List of Famous people named Dieter

Name Dieter is among the most common names in Germany, Austria. Similar names: Diether. Here are some famous Dieters:

Dieter Hallervorden

First Name Dieter
Born on September 5, 1935 (age 88)

Dieter "Didi" Hallervorden is a German comedian, actor, singer and cabaret artist.

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Dieter Bohlen

Dieter Günther Bohlen
First Name Dieter
Born on February 7, 1954 (age 70)

Dieter Günter Bohlen is a German musician, songwriter, record producer, and television personality. Often referred to as the "Pop-Titan" in the German-speaking press, he first achieved fame as a member of pop duo Modern Talking in the 1980s, and has since produced numerous German and international artists. He is also a judge on casting shows Deutschland sucht den Superstar and Das Supertalent, having been present on all seasons of both shows.

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Dieter Nuhr

First Name Dieter
Born on October 29, 1960 (age 63)

Dieter Herbert Nuhr is a German comedian, cabaret artist, author and television presenter.

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Dieter Zetsche

First Name Dieter
Born on May 5, 1953 (age 71)

Dieter Zetsche is a German engineer and business executive. He is the chairman of TUI AG. He was the chairman of the board of management of Daimler AG and head of Mercedes-Benz until 22 May 2019, a role he had held since 2006, in addition to being a member of the company's board since 1998.

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Dieter Hoeneß

Dieter Hoeneß is a retired German footballer who played as a striker.

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Dieter Müller

First Name Dieter
Born on April 1, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Germany, Hesse
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Dieter Müller is a German former professional footballer who played as a forward. He achieved his greatest success playing for 1. FC Köln in the Bundesliga in the late 1970s. Müller scored 177 goals in 303 games in the German league, including 6 goals in one game in August 1977, a record that still stands. He also played 12 times for West Germany from 1976 to 1978, scoring 9 goals.

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Dieter Kronzucker

First Name Dieter
Born on April 22, 1936 (age 88)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Hans-Dieter Kronzucker is a German journalist and television presenter.

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Dieter Mann

First Name Dieter
Born on June 20, 1941 (age 83)
Born in Germany

Dieter Mann is a German actor.

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Dieter Schwarz

First Name Dieter
Born on September 24, 1939 (age 84)
Net Worth $36.9B

Dieter Schwarz is a German billionaire businessman, and owner of the Schwarz-Gruppe. He is the former chairman and CEO of the supermarket chain Lidl, and the hypermarket chain Kaufland.

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Dieter Hecking

Dieter-Klaus Hecking is a German football manager, who last managed Hamburger SV and former professional player. He played for Hannover 96 and Eintracht Braunschweig. He returned to manage Hannover despite the long-standing and bitter rivalry between the two clubs.

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