List of Famous people named Armando

Name Armando is among the most common names in Mexico, Italy, Argentina, Portugal. Similar names: Armand, Armande. Here are some famous Armandos:

Armando Broja

First Name Armando
Last Name Broja
Born on September 10, 2001 (age 22)

Armando Broja is an Albanian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Chelsea. Born in England, he represents the Albania national team at international level.

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Armando Manzanero

Armando Manzanero Canché
First Name Armando
Last Name Manzanero
Born on December 7, 1935
Died on December 28, 2020 (aged 85)
Born in Mexico, Yucatán

Armando Manzanero Canché was a Mexican Mayan musician, singer, composer, actor and music producer, widely considered the premier Mexican romantic composer of the postwar era and one of the most successful composers of Latin America. He received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in the United States in 2014. He was the president of the Mexican Society of Authors and Composers.

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Armando Sadiku

First Name Armando
Last Name Sadiku
Born on May 27, 1991 (age 33)
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Armando Durim Sadiku is an Albanian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Bolivian club Bolívar and the Albania national team.

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Armando Reverón

First Name Armando
Last Name Reverón
Born on May 10, 1889
Died on September 18, 1954 (aged 65)
Born in Venezuela

Armando Reverón was a Venezuelan painter and sculptor, precursor of Arte Povera and considered one of the most important of the 20th century in Latin America. While his mental health deteriorated throughout his life, his artistic abilities remained. His house by the northern coast of Venezuela housed the Reveron Museum, although it was severely damaged by the Vargas mudslides in December 1999. He is the subject of various homages in different media, and is remembered for his "muñecas" or dolls.

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Armando Bó

First Name Armando
Last Name
Born on May 3, 1914
Died on October 8, 1981 (aged 67)
Born in Argentina

Armando Bó was an Argentine film actor, director, producer, screenwriter and score composer of the classic era. He is mostly known for his sexploitation films in the 1960s and 1970s starring his favorite actress and romantic partner, sex symbol Isabel Sarli. His works include the first nude scene in an Argentine film.

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Armando Vara

First Name Armando
Last Name Vara
Born on March 27, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Portugal, Bragança

Armando António Martins Vara is a Portuguese politician and banking administrator.

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Armando Montelongo

First Name Armando
Last Name Montelongo

Armando Montelongo, Jr. is an American real estate entrepreneur and public speaker, best known for his role from 2006 to 2009 on the A&E reality TV show Flip This House. He is the founder of "Armando Montelongo Companies", which presents real estate investment seminars. In 2012, Montelongo established his company headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. Montelongo continues investing in real estate while operating his seminar company.

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Armando Ríos Piter

First Name Armando
Last Name Piter
Born on February 21, 1973 (age 51)

Armando Ríos Piter is a Mexican politician who served as a senator in the LXIII and LXIV Legislatures of the Mexican Congress representing Guerrero as a legislator from the Party of the Democratic Revolution; while a senator, he became an independent and briefly pursued an independent presidential campaign. He also served as a federal deputy during the LXI Legislature.

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Armando Cooper

First Name Armando
Last Name Cooper
Born on November 26, 1987 (age 36)

Armando Enrique Cooper Whitaker is a Panamanian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Maccabi Petah Tikva and Panama national football team.

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Armando Benedetti

First Name Armando
Last Name Benedetti
Born on August 29, 1962 (age 61)

Armando Alberto Benedetti Villaneda is a Colombian politician, currently serving as Senator of Colombia since 2006. He also served as Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia from 2002 to 2006.

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