List of Famous people with last name Rohan-chabot

Louis François Auguste de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Louis
Last Name Rohan-Chabot
Born on February 29, 1788
Died on February 8, 1833 (aged 44)

Louis-Francois-Auguste de Rohan-Chabot (1788-1833) was a French aristocrat and Catholic priest. He was Prince of Leon, the 8th Duke of Rohan, and Count of Porhoët. Upon becoming a widower, he entered the priesthood and eventually became Archbishop of Auch, Archbishop of Besançon, and a Cardinal.

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Guy Auguste de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Guy
Last Name Rohan-Chabot
Born on August 18, 1683
Died on September 13, 1760 (aged 77)

Guy Auguste de Rohan-Chabot known as the comte de Chabot, often referred to as Chevalier de Rohan, was a French nobleman most notable for an altercation with Voltaire.

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Josselin de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Josselin
Last Name Rohan-Chabot
Born on April 1, 1879
Died on July 13, 1916 (aged 37)
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Anne de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Anne
Last Name Rohan-Chabot
Born on January 1, 1648
Died on February 4, 1709 (aged 61)

Anne de Rohan-Chabot was a French noble. A member of the House of Rohan, she was wife of the Prince of Soubise. It was she who brought the lordship of Soubise into the junior line of the House of Rohan. She was for some time the mistress of Louis XIV. She was sometimes called Madame de Frontenay due to being the Dame of Frontenay.

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Marie de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Marie
Last Name Rohan-Chabot
Born on May 24, 1876
Died on October 3, 1951 (aged 75)
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Olivier de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Olivier
Last Name Rohan-Chabot
Born on September 28, 1941 (age 83)
Born in France, Brittany
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Alain Louis Auguste Marie de Rohan-Chabot

First Name Alain
Born on May 10, 1913
Died on May 27, 1966 (aged 53)
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