List of Famous people with last name Pollen

Maria Margaret Pollen

First Name Maria
Last Name Pollen
Born on April 10, 1838
Died on January 1, 1919 (aged 80)

Maria Margaret La Primaudaye Pollen, known as Minnie, was a decorative arts collector. As Mrs John Hungerford Pollen, she became known during the early-twentieth century as an authority on the history of textiles, publishing Seven Centuries of Lace in 1908.

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John Hungerford Pollen

First Name John
Last Name Pollen
Born on January 1, 1820
Died on January 1, 1902 (aged 82)

John Hungerford Pollen (1820–1902) was an English writer on crafts and furniture.

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Patrick Pollen

First Name Patrick
Last Name Pollen
Born on January 12, 1928
Died on November 30, 2010 (aged 82)

Patrick Pollen was a British stained-glass artist who spent most of his life working in Ireland.

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Cecilia Mary Pollen

First Name Cecilia
Last Name Pollen
Born on March 2, 1930
Died on July 3, 1991 (aged 61)
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Francis Pollen

First Name Francis
Last Name Pollen
Born on January 17, 1926
Died on January 17, 1987 (aged 61)

Francis Anthony Baring Pollen, FRIBA was an English architect who designed, amongst other significant buildings, Worth Abbey in West Sussex.

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Mary Rose Catherine Pollen

First Name Mary
Last Name Pollen
Born on October 5, 1940 (age 83)
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Arthur Joseph Lawrence Pollen

First Name Arthur
Last Name Pollen
Born on October 13, 1899
Died on July 21, 1968 (aged 68)
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Mary Clare Pollen

First Name Mary
Last Name Pollen
Born on June 2, 1951 (age 73)
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Cynthia Brenda Pollen

First Name Cynthia
Last Name Pollen
Born on October 17, 1914
Died on October 18, 2005 (aged 91)
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Arthur Pollen

First Name Arthur
Last Name Pollen
Born on September 13, 1866
Died on January 28, 1937 (aged 70)

Arthur Joseph Hungerford Pollen was an English journalist, businessman, and commentator on naval affairs who devised a new computerised fire-control system for use on battleships prior to the First World War. His most important technical innovation was one of the world's first electrically-powered analogue computers, patented as the Argo Clock: a differential analyser which enabled big guns to engage with long-range targets when both ships were moving at speed in different directions.

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