List of Famous people with last name Parisi

Giorgio Parisi

First Name Giorgio
Last Name Parisi
Born on August 4, 1948 (age 76)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Giorgio Parisi is an Italian theoretical physicist, whose research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems. His best known contributions are the QCD evolution equations for parton densities, obtained with Guido Altarelli, known as the Altarelli-Parisi or DGLAP equations, the exact solution of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model of spin glasses, the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation describing dynamic scaling of growing interfaces, and the study of whirling flocks of birds.

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Cliff Parisi

First Name Cliff
Last Name Parisi
Born on May 24, 1960 (age 64)

Cliff Parisi is an English actor, known for his roles as Minty Peterson in the BBC soap opera EastEnders and Fred Buckle in the BBC period drama Call the Midwife. In 2019, he participated in the nineteenth series of I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!.

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Angelo Parisi

First Name Angelo
Last Name Parisi
Born on January 3, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Italy, Lazio
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Angelo Parisi is a French judoka and olympic champion. He won a gold medal in the heavyweight division at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. At his Olympic debut in 1972 he represented Great Britain.

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Arturo Parisi

First Name Arturo
Last Name Parisi
Born on September 13, 1940 (age 84)
Born in Italy, Campania

Arturo Parisi is an Italian politician, leader of the Ulivist faction of the Democratic Party and four-time member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. He was also minister of defence in the cabinet of Prime Minister Romano Prodi from 2006 to 2008.

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Giovanni Parisi

First Name Giovanni
Last Name Parisi
Born on December 2, 1967
Died on March 25, 2009 (aged 41)
Born in Italy, Calabria
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Giovanni Parisi was an Italian boxer, who won the gold medal in the Men's Featherweight (57 kg) category at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul.

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José Parisi

First Name José
Last Name Parisi
Born on November 30, 1916
Died on December 29, 1992 (aged 76)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Lucimara Parisi

First Name Lucimara
Born on May 2, 1951 (age 73)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Vincent Parisi

First Name Vincent
Last Name Parisi
Born on October 5, 1977 (age 47)
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Heather Parisi

Heather Elizabeth Parisi
First Name Heather
Last Name Parisi
Born on January 27, 1960 (age 64)

Heather Elizabeth Parisi is an American-born Italian television presenter, dancer, singer and actress. She was one of the most popular personalities of Italian television from the late '70s to the '90s.

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Gaetano Maria Giuseppe Benedetto Placido Vincenzo Trigona and Parisi

First Name Gaetano
Last Name Parisi
Born on June 2, 1767
Died on July 5, 1837 (aged 70)
Born in Italy, Sicily
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