List of Famous people born in Sicily, Italy

Mario Balotelli

Mario Barwuah
First Name Mario
Last Name Balotelli
Born on August 12, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Italy, Sicily
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Mario Balotelli Barwuah is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Serie B club Monza.

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Salvatore Adamo

First Name Salvatore
Last Name Adamo
Born on November 1, 1943 (age 80)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Salvatore, Knight Adamo is a Belgian singer and composer, who is known for his romantic ballads. Adamo was born in Italy and grew up from the age of three in Belgium. He holds dual citizenship of Belgium and Italy.

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Lucky Luciano

Salvatore Lucania
First Name Lucky
Born on November 24, 1897
Died on January 26, 1962 (aged 64)
Born in Italy, Sicily
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Charles "Lucky" Luciano was an Italian-born gangster who operated mainly in the United States. Luciano started his criminal career in the Five Points gang and was instrumental in the development of the National Crime Syndicate. Luciano is considered the father of modern organized crime in the United States for the establishment of The Commission in 1931, after he abolished the boss of bosses title held by Salvatore Maranzano following the Castellammarese War. He was also the first official boss of the modern Genovese crime family.

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Matteo Messina Denaro

First Name Matteo
Last Name Denaro
Born on April 26, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Matteo Messina Denaro, also known as Diabolik, is a Sicilian Mafia boss. He got his nickname from the Italian comic book character of the same name. He is considered to be one of the new leaders of Cosa Nostra after the arrest of Bernardo Provenzano on 11 April 2006, and the arrest of Salvatore Lo Piccolo in November 2007. Matteo Messina Denaro became known nationally on 12 April 2001 when the magazine L'Espresso put him on the cover with the headline: Ecco il nuovo capo della Mafia. He has been a fugitive on the most wanted list since 1993 and according to Forbes magazine he is among the ten most wanted criminals in the world. With the deaths of Bernardo Provenzano in 2016 and Salvatore Riina in 2017, Messina Denaro is seen as the unchallenged boss of all bosses within the Mafia.

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Marco Cecchinato

First Name Marco
Last Name Cecchinato
Born on September 30, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Italy, Sicily
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Marco Cecchinato is an Italian professional tennis player. On 29 April 2018, he won his first ATP World Tour title at the 2018 Hungarian Open. He became the first Sicilian tennis player to win an ATP title. His best Grand Slam result is a semifinal at the 2018 French Open. However, in the other three Majors he has not won a match.

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Franco Battiato

Francesco Battiato
First Name Franco
Last Name Battiato
Born on March 23, 1945
Died on May 18, 2021 (aged 76)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Francesco "Franco" Battiato is an Italian singer-songwriter, composer, filmmaker and, under the pseudonym Süphan Barzani, also a painter. Battiato's songs contain esoteric, philosophical and religious themes, and have spanned genres such as experimental pop, electronic music, progressive rock, and new wave.

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Giovanni Brusca

First Name Giovanni
Last Name Brusca
Born on February 20, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Giovanni Brusca is an Italian mobster who was a former member of the Sicilian Mafia. He murdered the anti-Mafia prosecutor Giovanni Falcone in 1992, and once stated that he had committed between 100 and 200 murders. He had been sentenced to life in prison in absentia for Mafia association and multiple murders. Brusca was captured in 1996, and turned pentito.

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Vincenzo Nibali

First Name Vincenzo
Born on November 14, 1984 (age 39)
Born in Italy, Sicily
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Vincenzo Nibali is an Italian professional road bicycle racer, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Trek–Segafredo.

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Ettore Majorana

First Name Ettore
Last Name Majorana
Born on August 5, 1906
Died on March 27, 1938 (aged 31)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Ettore Majorana was an Italian theoretical physicist who worked on neutrino masses. On 25 March 1938, he disappeared under mysterious circumstances while going by ship from Palermo to Naples. The Majorana equation and Majorana fermions are named after him. In 2006, the Majorana Prize was established in his memory.

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Sergio Mattarella

First Name Sergio
Last Name Mattarella
Born on July 23, 1941 (age 83)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Sergio Mattarella is an Italian politician, jurist, academic and lawyer, who is serving as the 12th and current President of the Italian Republic, since February 2015.

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