List of Famous people named Sergio

Name Sergio is among the most common names in Mexico, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Similar names: Sergei, Sergey, Serge, Sergi, Sergiy, Sergo, Serghei. Here are some famous Sergios:

Sergio Agüero

Sergio Leonel Agüero del Castillo
First Name Sergio
Last Name Agüero
Born on June 2, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Argentina
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Sergio Leonel Agüero del Castillo, colloquially known as Kun Agüero, is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a striker for Premier League club Manchester City and the Argentine national team. He wears "Kun" on his shirt, a childhood nickname based on the title character from the cartoon Kum-Kum. He is widely considered as one of the best strikers of his generation and one of the best players in Premier League history.

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Sergio Pérez

First Name Sergio
Last Name Pérez
Born on January 26, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Mexico, Jalisco
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Sergio Pérez Mendoza, nicknamed "Checo", is a Mexican racing driver who races in Formula One for Red Bull Racing, having previously driven for Sauber, McLaren, Force India and Racing Point. He won his first Formula One Grand Prix at the 2020 Sakhir Grand Prix, breaking the record for the number of starts before a race win at 190.

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Sergio Ramos

Sergio Ramos García
First Name Sergio
Last Name Ramos
Born on March 30, 1986 (age 38)
Born in Spain, Andalusia
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Sergio Ramos García is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for and captains both La Liga club Real Madrid and the Spanish national team as a centre back. He has also played as a right back earlier in his career. Hailed as one of the greatest defenders in the history of the sport and also one of the greatest Spanish players ever, he has received praise for his leadership as well as passing and goalscoring capabilities.

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Sergio Pettis

First Name Sergio
Last Name Pettis
Born on August 18, 1993 (age 30)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Sergio Jerome Pettis is an American mixed martial artist who is currently signed with Bellator MMA, competing in the Bantamweight division. Prior to signing with Bellator, Pettis competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), where he fought in both the Bantamweight and Flyweight divisions.

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Sergio García Fernández

First Name Sergio
Last Name Fernández
Born on January 9, 1980 (age 44)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Sergio García Fernández is a Spanish professional golfer who plays on both the PGA Tour and the European Tour. García has won 36 international tournaments as a professional, most notably the 2008 Players Championship and the 2017 Masters Tournament. García was also the Chairman of Spanish football team CF Borriol.

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Sérgio Vieira de Mello

First Name Sérgio
Last Name Mello
Born on March 15, 1948
Died on August 19, 2003 (aged 55)

Sérgio Vieira de Mello was a Brazilian United Nations diplomat who worked on several UN humanitarian and political programs for over 34 years. The Government of Brazil posthumously awarded the Sergio Vieira de Mello Medal to honor his legacy in promoting sustainable peace, international security and better living conditions for individuals in situations of armed conflict, challenges to which Sergio Vieira de Mello had dedicated his life and career.

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Sergio Busquets

First Name Sergio
Last Name Busquets
Born on July 16, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Spain, Catalonia
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Sergio Busquets Burgos is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Barcelona and the Spain national team. Busquets is widely regarded as one of the best defensive midfielders of all time due to his composure on the ball, vision, defensive awareness, passing ability, and dribbling. He is considered to be a deep lying playmaker capable of directing the game play through short and calm passes.

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Sergio Romero

Sergio Germán Romero
First Name Sergio
Last Name Romero
Born on February 22, 1987 (age 37)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Sergio Germán Romero is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for English Premier League club Manchester United and the Argentina national team.

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Sergio Moro

First Name Sergio
Last Name Moro
Born on August 1, 1972 (age 51)
Born in Brazil, Paraná

Sergio Fernando Moro is a Brazilian jurist, former federal judge and college professor who served as Minister of Justice and Public Security for the government of president Jair Bolsonaro, from 2019 to 2020. In 2015 he gained fame in Operation Car Wash, a high-profile scandal of corruption and bribery involving government officials and business executives.

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Sergio Marchionne

First Name Sergio
Last Name Marchionne
Born on June 17, 1952
Died on July 25, 2018 (aged 66)
Born in Italy, Abruzzo

Sergio Marchionne was an Italian-Canadian businessman, widely known for his turnarounds of the automakers Fiat and Chrysler, his business acumen and his outspoken and often frank approach, especially when dealing with unpalatable issues related to his companies and the automotive industry.

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