List of Famous people with last name Haynes

Colton Haynes

Colton Lee Haynes
First Name Colton
Last Name Haynes
Born on July 13, 1988 (age 36)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Colton Lee Haynes is an American actor and model. He is known for his starring role as Jackson Whittemore in the MTV supernatural drama series Teen Wolf and as Roy Harper / Arsenal in the CW superhero television series Arrow.

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Richard Haynes

First Name Richard
Last Name Haynes
Born on April 3, 1927
Died on April 28, 2017 (aged 90)

Richard "Racehorse" Haynes was a Texas criminal defense attorney. He became a star of the legal world after prevailing in a series of seemingly impossible murder trials in Texas in the 1970s and 1980s. Time magazine named him one of the top defense attorneys in the nation.

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Marques Haynes

First Name Marques
Last Name Haynes
Born on October 4, 1926
Died on May 22, 2015 (aged 88)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Marques Haynes was an American professional basketball player and member of the Harlem Globetrotters, notable for his remarkable ability to dribble the ball and keep it away from defenders. According to the 1988 film Harlem Globetrotters: Six Decades of Magic, Haynes could dribble the ball as many as 348 times a minute.

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Todd Haynes

First Name Todd
Last Name Haynes
Born on January 2, 1961 (age 63)

Todd Haynes is an American filmmaker from Los Angeles, California. His films span four decades with consistent themes examining the personalties of well-known musicians, dysfunctional and dystopian societies, and blurred gender roles.

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Sybille Haynes

Sybille Edith Overhoff,
First Name Sybille
Born on July 3, 1926 (age 98)

Sybille Edith Haynes, is a British expert on Etruscology. She grew up and was educated in Germany and Austria before moving to the UK in the 1950s. She worked with Etruscan artefacts at the British Museum for many years as well as publishing numerous books, for fellow scholars and also for the general public. In the 1980s she joined the Centre for the Study of Greek and Roman Antiquity at Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

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Denys Haynes

First Name Denys
Last Name Haynes
Born on February 15, 1913
Died on September 27, 1994 (aged 81)

Denys Eyre Lankester Haynes was an English classical scholar, archaeologist, and museum curator, who specialised in the full range of classical archaeology. He was Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum between 1956 and 1976. He was additionally Geddes–Harrower Professor of Greek Art and Archaeology at the University of Aberdeen from 1972 to 1973, and, in retirement, visitor to the Ashmolean Museum from 1979 to 1987. He had served in military intelligence during the Second World War.

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John Charles Haynes

First Name John
Last Name Haynes
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Jerry Haynes

First Name Jerry
Born on January 31, 1927
Died on September 26, 2011 (aged 84)

Jerome Martin "Jerry" Haynes was an American actor from Dallas, Texas. He is most well known as Mr. Peppermint, a role he played for 30 years as the host of one of the longest-running local children's shows in television, the Dallas-based Mr. Peppermint (1961–1969), which was retitled Peppermint Place for its second run (1975–1996). He also had a long career in local and regional theater and appeared in more than 50 films. A 1944 graduate of Dallas' Woodrow Wilson High School, he was the father of Butthole Surfers frontman Gibby Haynes.

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Martha P. Haynes

First Name Martha
Born on January 1, 1951 (age 73)

Martha Patricia Haynes is an American astronomer who specializes in radio astronomy and extragalactic astronomy. She is the Goldwin Smith Professor of Astronomy at Cornell University. She has been on a number of high-level committees within the US and International Astronomical Community, including Advisory Committee for the Division of Engineering and Physical Sciences of the National Academies (2003–2008) and Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Review. She was a Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the International Astronomical Union from 2006–2012, and has been on the Board of Trustees of Associated Universities Inc since 1994.

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Alexandra Haynes

First Name Alexandra
Last Name Haynes
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