List of Famous people named Colton

Here are some famous Coltons:

Colton Underwood

Colton Scott Underwood

Colton Underwood is an American reality television personality. He was a football tight end at Illinois State and was signed by the San Diego Chargers as an undrafted free agent in 2014, and was on the practice squad of the Oakland Raiders and Philadelphia Eagles. After being released by the Raiders, Underwood became a contestant on the 14th season of The Bachelorette, and was then announced as the lead of the 23rd season of The Bachelor.

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Colton Haynes

Colton Lee Haynes
First Name Colton
Last Name Haynes
Born on July 13, 1988 (age 36)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Colton Lee Haynes is an American actor and model. He is known for his starring role as Jackson Whittemore in the MTV supernatural drama series Teen Wolf and as Roy Harper / Arsenal in the CW superhero television series Arrow.

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Colton Sissons

First Name Colton
Last Name Sissons
Born on November 5, 1993 (age 30)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Colton Sissons is a Canadian professional ice hockey player for the Nashville Predators of the National Hockey League (NHL). Sissons was selected by the Predators in the second round of the 2012 NHL Entry Draft.

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Colton Parayko

First Name Colton
Last Name Parayko
Born on May 12, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Canada, Alberta
Height 198 cm | 6'6

Colton Parayko is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman and alternate captain for the St. Louis Blues of the National Hockey League (NHL). Growing up in St. Albert, Alberta, Parayko played minor ice hockey with the St. Albert Flyers and Fort McMurray Oil Barons before earning a scholarship to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He went overlooked and undrafted in his first year of NHL eligibility before being selected 86th overall as a 19-year-old in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft by the St. Louis Blues. Following the draft, Parayko played three seasons with the Alaska Nanooks, earning All-Western Collegiate Hockey Association (WCHA) First Team and West Second-Team All-American honors. He concluded his collegiate career in 2015 to begin his professional career within the Blues organization.

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Colton Harris-Moore

First Name Colton
Last Name Harris-Moore
Born on March 22, 1991 (age 33)

Colton Harris Moore is an American former fugitive. He was charged with the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars in property, including several small aircraft, boats, and multiple cars, all committed while still a teenager.

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Colton Dixon

First Name Colton
Last Name Dixon
Born on October 19, 1991 (age 32)

Michael Colton Dixon is an American singer-songwriter and musician from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He placed seventh on the eleventh season of American Idol.

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Colton Edward Townsend

First Name Colton
Last Name Townsend
Born on January 21, 2000 (age 24)
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Colton Leon McCloy

First Name Colton
Last Name McCloy
Born on October 9, 2010 (age 13)
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Colton James

First Name Colton
Last Name James
Born on February 22, 1988 (age 36)
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