List of Famous people who born in 2010

Tanitoluwa Adewumi

First Name Tanitoluwa
Born on September 3, 2010 (age 14)

Tanitoluwa Emmanuel Adewumi is a Nigerian-American chess player who currently holds the title of USCF National Master. A chess prodigy, he won the 2019 K-3 New York State chess championship at the age of 8, after playing the game for only a year, while living with his refugee family in a homeless shelter in Manhattan.

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Lisa Irwin

First Name Lisa
Last Name Irwin
Born on November 11, 2010 (age 13)

The disappearance of Lisa Renée Irwin was reported after it was found that she was missing from her home in Kansas City, Missouri, in the early morning hours of October 4, 2011.

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Hailey Dawson

First Name Hailey
Last Name Dawson
Born on March 2, 2010 (age 14)

Hailey Dawson is an American girl who is the first person to throw out the ceremonial first pitch in all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums. Born with Poland syndrome, she is missing three fingers on her right hand and has an underdeveloped pinky and thumb. At age 5, she was fitted with a 3D-printed robotic hand by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Engineering. She came to national prominence in 2017 when she expressed a desire to use her robotic hand to throw out the ceremonial first pitch in all 30 Major League Baseball parks. She completed her goal on September 16, 2018, with an appearance at Angel Stadium. She has also been honored with dropping the puck at a 2018 Vegas Golden Knights–Philadelphia Flyers hockey game.

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Prince Louis de Bourbon

Luis de Borbón y Vargas
First Name Prince
Last Name Bourbon
Born on May 28, 2010 (age 14)

Louis Alphonse de Bourbon (Spanish: Luis Alfonso Gonzalo Víctor Manuel Marco de Borbón y Martínez-Bordiú, French: Louis Alphonse Gonzalve Victor Emmanuel Marc de Bourbon; born 25 April 1974, in Madrid is the head of the House of Bourbon by primogeniture. The Bourbons are the royal family of Spain. Members of the family formerly ruled France and other countries. As a pretender to the French throne, he is styled Louis XX and Duke of Anjou.

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Josey Matas

First Name Josey
Born on October 16, 2010 (age 14)
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Prince Alphonse de Bourbon

First Name Prince
Last Name Bourbon
Born on May 28, 2010 (age 14)
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Faith Urban

Faith Margaret Kidman Urban
First Name Faith
Last Name Urban
Born on December 28, 2010 (age 13)
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Lady Cosima Windsor

First Name Lady
Last Name Windsor
Born on May 20, 2010 (age 14)

Alexander Patrick Gregers Richard Windsor, Earl of Ulster is the only son of Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester.

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Savannah Phillips

Savannah Anne Kathleen Phillips
First Name Savannah
Born on December 29, 2010 (age 13)
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Axel Ferrell

First Name Axel
Last Name Ferrell
Born on January 23, 2010 (age 14)
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Don't know him/her
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