List of Famous people who born in 2011

Disappearance of William Tyrrell

First Name Disappearance
Born on June 26, 2011
Died on October 28, 2016 (aged 5)

William Tyrrell is an Australian boy who disappeared at the age of 3 from Kendall, New South Wales, on 12 September 2014. He had been playing at his foster grandmother's house with his sister, and was wearing a Spider-Man suit at the time of his disappearance. Tyrrell is believed to have been abducted. Despite extensive investigations, as of 2020, Tyrrell has not been found, or his abductor(s) identified. On 12 September 2016, a reward of A$1 million was offered for the recovery of Tyrrell and does not require the arrest, charging or conviction of any person or persons.

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Alyssa Ashton

First Name Alyssa
Last Name Ashton
Born on April 1, 2011 (age 13)
Born in Canada, Ontario
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Prince Vincent of Denmark

Vincent Frederik Minik Alexander of Denmark
First Name Prince
Last Name Denmark
Born on January 8, 2011 (age 13)

Prince Vincent of Denmark is the third child and younger son of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, the sixth grandchild and youngest grandson of Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, and the older twin brother of Princess Josephine.

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Princess Josephine of Denmark

Josephine Sophia Ivalo Mathilda of Denmark
First Name Princess
Last Name Denmark
Born on January 8, 2011 (age 13)

Princess Josephine of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat, is the fourth and youngest child of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, and the seventh grandchild of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and the late Prince Henrik. She is the twin sister of Prince Vincent. Josephine is fifth in line to the Danish throne, after her father and older siblings, Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, and her elder twin brother.

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Harper Beckham

Harper Seven Beckham
First Name Harper
Last Name Beckham
Born on July 10, 2011 (age 13)
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Cree Hardrict

First Name Cree
Last Name Hardrict
Born on June 28, 2011 (age 13)
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Giulia Sarkozy

First Name Giulia
Born on October 19, 2011 (age 12)
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Tristan Milos Trump

First Name Tristan
Last Name Trump
Born on October 2, 2011 (age 12)
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Agnes Bettany

First Name Agnes
Last Name Bettany
Born on May 31, 2011 (age 13)
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Flynn Bloom

Flynn Christopher Blanchard Copeland Bloom
First Name Flynn
Last Name Bloom
Born on January 6, 2011 (age 13)
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