List of Famous people named Flynn

Here are some famous Flynns:

Flynn McGarry

First Name Flynn
Last Name McGarry
Born on October 31, 1998 (age 26)

Flynn McGarry is an American chef based in New York City. He has been called the "Justin Bieber of food" and is known for hosting dinner tasting restaurant Eureka in Los Angeles and New York City since he was 11. He has staged at Eleven Madison Park, Alinea, Next, Geranium, and Maaemo. McGarry describes his cooking as modern American cuisine. He is known for being a young restaurant owner in NYC, opening the successful restaurant Gem at age 19.

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Flynn Bloom

Flynn Christopher Blanchard Copeland Bloom
First Name Flynn
Last Name Bloom
Born on January 6, 2011 (age 14)
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Flynn Earl Jones

First Name Flynn
Last Name Jones
Born on June 22, 1982 (age 42)
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