List of Famous people named Hailey

Similar names: Hayley, Hailie, Hailee, Haylie, Haile. Here are some famous Haileys:

Hailey Bieber

Hailey Rhode Baldwin
First Name Hailey
Last Name Bieber
Born on November 22, 1996 (age 27)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Hailey Rhode Bieber is an American model, media personality, and socialite. Baldwin trained as a ballet dancer, but ended that career due to an injury. She has been featured in major ads for Guess, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger. Baldwin is a daughter of Stephen Baldwin and niece of Alec Baldwin. She is married to Canadian singer Justin Bieber, and lives in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

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Hailey Clauson

First Name Hailey
Last Name Clauson
Born on March 7, 1995 (age 29)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Hailey Michele Clauson is an American model. In 2016, she was one of three separate cover stars of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

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Hailey Dawson

First Name Hailey
Last Name Dawson
Born on March 2, 2010 (age 14)

Hailey Dawson is an American girl who is the first person to throw out the ceremonial first pitch in all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums. Born with Poland syndrome, she is missing three fingers on her right hand and has an underdeveloped pinky and thumb. At age 5, she was fitted with a 3D-printed robotic hand by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Engineering. She came to national prominence in 2017 when she expressed a desire to use her robotic hand to throw out the ceremonial first pitch in all 30 Major League Baseball parks. She completed her goal on September 16, 2018, with an appearance at Angel Stadium. She has also been honored with dropping the puck at a 2018 Vegas Golden Knights–Philadelphia Flyers hockey game.

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Hailey Langland

First Name Hailey
Last Name Langland
Born on August 2, 2000 (age 23)

Hailey Langland is an American snowboarder who won a bronze medal in slopestyle at Winter X Games XX. Hailey spent her 2017 summer training with the US Snowboard Team at High Cascade Snowboard Camp. In 2018 she will have a "Signature Session" at High Cascade.

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Hailey McCann

First Name Hailey
Last Name McCann

Hailey McCann is a former American child actor, active from 2003 to 2009. McCann was born in Riverside, California, one of four children, having two sisters and a brother. She played her first role in the 2003 short film Give or Take an Inch, while her last recorded role was the 2009 short film The Cleaner. In the movie The Time Traveler's Wife she appeared alongside her younger sister, Tatum McCann, in scenes playing the same character at different ages.

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Hailey Jane Richards

Hailey Jane Armstrong
First Name Hailey
Last Name Richards
Born on November 29, 1996 (age 27)
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Hailey Chan

First Name Hailey
Last Name Chan
Born on April 24, 1988 (age 36)
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