List of Famous people named Jerry

Name Jerry is among the most common names in USA. Often it's a shorthand for Jerome, Gerald. Similar names: Jerome, Gerald, Jiri, Jiro, Jeri, Jere, Jyri, Jerai, Jer. Here are some famous Jerrys:

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerome Allen Seinfeld
First Name Jerry
Born on April 29, 1954 (age 70)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Jerome Allen Seinfeld is an American comedian, actor, writer and producer. He is best known for playing a semi-fictionalized version of himself in the sitcom Seinfeld, which he created and wrote with Larry David. The show aired on NBC from 1989 until 1998, becoming one of the most acclaimed and popular American sitcoms of all time. As a stand-up comedian, Seinfeld specializes in observational comedy. In 2004, Comedy Central named him the 12th-greatest stand-up comedian of all time.

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Jerry Remy

Gerald Peter Remy
First Name Jerry
Born on November 8, 1952
Died on October 30, 2021 (aged 68)

Gerald Peter Remy, commonly known as Jerry Remy, is an American Major League Baseball broadcaster and former Major League Baseball second baseman. Remy grew up in Somerset, Massachusetts. An all-star second baseman originally drafted by the California Angels in 1971, he was traded to his hometown Boston Red Sox in 1977. He retired from the sport in 1985 after a series of injuries and ventured into a career in broadcasting. He has served as a color commentator for NESN's Red Sox broadcasts since 1988, only taking some occasional time off for health problems.

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Jerry Lewis

Joseph Levitch
First Name Jerry
Born on March 16, 1926
Died on August 20, 2017 (aged 91)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Jerry Lewis, nicknamed "The King of Comedy", was an American comedian, actor, singer, filmmaker and humanitarian, who appeared in over sixty films and other media, from the Martin & Lewis partnership with singer Dean Martin to on his own as a soloist.

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Jerry Douglas

Gerald Rubenstein
First Name Jerry
Born on November 12, 1932
Died on November 9, 2021 (aged 88)

Jerry Douglas is an American television and film actor. For 25 years Jerry Douglas reigned in fictional Genoa City as patriarch John Abbott on the daytime television serial The Young and the Restless. In 2006, his character was killed off. However, he has made special appearances since then.

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Jerry Heller

First Name Jerry
Born on October 6, 1940
Died on September 2, 2016 (aged 75)

Gerald Elliot "Jerry" Heller was an American music manager and businessman. He was best known for his controversial management of West Coast rap and gangsta rap pioneers N.W.A and Eazy-E. He rose to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s, importing Elton John and Pink Floyd for their first major American tours, and representing Journey, Marvin Gaye, Van Morrison, War, Eric Burdon, Crosby Stills & Nash, Ike & Tina Turner, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Otis Redding, the Who, REO Speedwagon, Black Sabbath, Humble Pie, Styx, the Grass Roots, and the Standells, among many others.

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Jerry Jones

First Name Jerry
Born on October 13, 1942 (age 81)
Net Worth $8.9B

Jerral Wayne "Jerry" Jones is an American billionaire businessman and has been the owner, president and general manager of the National Football League (NFL)'s Dallas Cowboys since 1989.

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Jerry Krause

First Name Jerry
Born on April 6, 1939
Died on March 21, 2017 (aged 77)

Jerome "Jerry" Richard Krause was an American sports scout and executive who was the general manager of the Chicago Bulls in the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1985 to 2003.

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Jerry Hall

First Name Jerry
Born on July 2, 1956 (age 68)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Jerry Faye Hall is an American model and actress.

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Jerry Garcia

Jerome John Garcia
First Name Jerry
Born on August 1, 1942
Died on August 9, 1995 (aged 53)

Jerome John Garcia was an American singer-songwriter and guitarist, best known for being a principal songwriter, the lead guitarist and a vocalist with the rock band the Grateful Dead, of which he was a founding member and which came to prominence during the counterculture of the 1960s. Although he disavowed the role, Garcia was viewed by many as the leader or "spokesman" of the group.

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Jerry Stiller

Gerald Isaac Stiller
First Name Jerry
Born on June 8, 1927
Died on May 11, 2020 (aged 92)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Gerald Isaac Stiller was an American actor, comedian and author. He spent many years as part of the comedy duo Stiller and Meara with his wife, Anne Meara, to whom he was married for over 60 years until her death in 2015. Stiller saw a late-career resurgence starting in 1993, playing George Costanza's father Frank on the sitcom Seinfeld, a part which earned him an Emmy nomination. The year Seinfeld went off the air, Stiller began his role as the eccentric Arthur Spooner on the CBS comedy series The King of Queens, another role which garnered him widespread acclaim.

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