List of Famous people with last name Gary

Romain Gary

Roman Kacew
First Name Romain
Last Name Gary
Died on December 2, 1980 (aged 10)

Romain Gary, born Roman Kacew, was a French novelist, diplomat, film director, and World War II aviator of Jewish origin. He is the only author to have won the Prix Goncourt under two names.

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Lorraine Gary

Lorraine Gottfried
First Name Lorraine
Last Name Gary
Born on August 16, 1937 (age 87)

Lorraine Gary is a retired American actress, best known for her role as Ellen Brody in the Jaws film series. She also appeared in 1941 and Car Wash.

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Carlton Gary

First Name Carlton
Last Name Gary
Born on December 15, 1952
Died on March 15, 2018 (aged 65)

Carlton Michael Gary was an American serial killer convicted of the murders of three elderly women in Columbus, Georgia, between 1977 and 1978, though he is suspected of at least four more. Gary was arrested in December 1978 for an armed robbery and sentenced to 21 years in prison.

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Rashan Gary

Rashan Abdul Gary is an American football outside linebacker for the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League (NFL). In 2015, he concluded his high school football career at Paramus Catholic High School in New Jersey. He was ranked as the No. 1 recruit in college football's incoming Class of 2016. Gary played college football at the University of Michigan for three seasons.

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Alexandre Diego Gary

First Name Alexandre
Last Name Gary
Born on July 17, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Spain, Catalonia
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Raymond D. Gary

First Name Raymond
Last Name Gary
Born on January 21, 1908
Died on December 11, 1993 (aged 85)

Raymond Dancel Gary was an American politician who served as the fifteenth Governor of Oklahoma and the first Governor to be born in Oklahoma since statehood.

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Linda Gary

First Name Linda
Last Name Gary
Died on October 5, 1995 (aged 25)

Linda Gary was an American film, television and voice actress.

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Micheline Gary

First Name Micheline
Born on October 1, 1925 (age 99)

Micheline Gary is a retired French film and stage actress. She was active in the French film industry throughout the 1950s. In 1960 she married the actor Paul Meurisse.

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John Gary

First Name John
Last Name Gary
Born on December 29, 1932
Died on January 4, 1998 (aged 65)

John Gary was an American singer, recording artist, television host, and performer on the musical stage.

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Elbert Henry Gary

First Name Elbert
Last Name Gary
Born on October 8, 1846
Died on August 15, 1927 (aged 80)

Elbert Henry Gary was an American lawyer, county judge and business executive. He was a founder of U.S. Steel in 1901, bringing together partners J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and Charles M. Schwab. The city of Gary, Indiana, a steel town, was named for him when it was founded in 1906. Gary, West Virginia was also named after him. When trust busting President Theodore Roosevelt said that Gary was head of the steel trust, Gary considered it a compliment. The two men communicated in a nonconfrontational way, unlike Roosevelt's communications with leaders of other trusts.

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