List of Famous people born in Martinique, France

Paulette Nardal

Félix Jeanne Paule Nardal
First Name Paulette
Born on October 12, 1896
Died on February 16, 1985 (aged 88)
Born in France, Martinique

Paulette Nardal was a french writer from Martinique, journalist, and one of the drivers of the development of a black literary consciousness. She was one of the authors involved in the creation of the Négritude genre and introduced French intellectuals to the works of members of the Harlem Renaissance through her translations.

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Philippe Lavil

First Name Philippe
Last Name Lavil
Born on September 26, 1947 (age 77)
Born in France, Martinique

Philippe Lavil (born 26 September 1947 in Fort-de-France, Martinique), pseudonym of Philippe Durand de La Villejégu du Fresnay, is a French singer. He remained particularly famous for his hits singles "Il tape sur des bambous", "Elle préfère l'amour en mer" and "Kolé séré", a duet with Jocelyne Béroard. He was also member of Les Enfoirés in 1996, 1997 and 1998.

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Frantz Fanon

First Name Frantz
Last Name Fanon
Born on July 20, 1925
Died on December 6, 1961 (aged 36)
Born in France, Martinique

Frantz Omar Fanon, also known as Ibrahim Frantz Fanon, was a French West Indian psychiatrist and political philosopher from the French colony of Martinique. His works have become influential in the fields of post-colonial studies, critical theory and Marxism. As well as being an intellectual, Fanon was a political radical, Pan-Africanist, and Marxist humanist concerned with the psychopathology of colonization and the human, social, and cultural consequences of decolonization.

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Wendie Renard

Wendie Thérèse Renard
First Name Wendie
Born on July 20, 1990 (age 34)
Born in France, Martinique
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Wéndèleine Thérèse Renard is a French professional footballer who plays as a central defender for Division 1 Féminine club Olympique Lyonnais, which she captains, and the France national team.

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Joséphine de Beauharnais

First Name Joséphine
Last Name Beauharnais
Died on May 29, 1814
Born in France, Martinique

Joséphine Bonaparte was the Empress of the French as the first wife of Emperor Napoleon I. She is widely known as Joséphine de Beauharnais.

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Lucien Jean-Baptiste

First Name Lucien
Born in France, Martinique

Lucien Jean-Baptiste is a French actor, writer and director.

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Audrey Pulvar

First Name Audrey
Born on February 21, 1972 (age 53)
Born in France, Martinique

Audrey Pulvar is a French journalist, television and radio host. Newsreader of the 19/20 on France 3 from 2005 to 2009, Pulvar has been commentator within Laurent Ruquier's show On n'est pas couché on France 2, during the year 2011/2012 and joined the Television Group Canal+ and its channel D8 in 2013.

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René Maran

First Name René
Last Name Maran
Born on November 8, 1887
Died on May 9, 1960 (aged 72)
Born in France, Martinique

René Maran was a French poet and novelist, and the first black writer to win the French Prix Goncourt.

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Alicia Aylies

Alicia Aylies Belfroy
First Name Alicia
Last Name Aylies
Born on April 21, 1998 (age 26)
Born in France, Martinique
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Alicia Aylies is a French model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss France 2017. She represented France at Miss Universe 2017.

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Jocelyne Béroard

Jocelyne, Raphaëlle Béroard
First Name Jocelyne
Born on September 12, 1954 (age 70)
Born in France, Martinique

Jocelyne Béroard is a Martinican singer and songwriter. She is one of the lead singers of the Zouk band Kassav'. As a solo artist, she helped create zouk, a music genre started by Kassav'. The main members are from Guadeloupe and Martinique.

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