List of Famous people named Yo

Similar names: . Here are some famous Yos:

Yo Gotti

First Name Yo
Last Name Gotti
Born on May 19, 1981 (age 43)

Mario Sentell Giden Mims, known professionally as Yo Gotti, is an American rapper and songwriter. In 1996, Gotti released his debut album Youngsta's On a Come Up under the alias Lil Yo. He went on to release From Da Dope Game 2 Da Rap Game (2000), Self-Explanatory (2001), Life (2003), Back 2 da Basics (2006), Live from the Kitchen (2012), I Am (2013), The Art of Hustle (2016), I Still Am (2017) and Untrapped (2020).

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Yō Ōizumi

First Name
Last Name Ōizumi
Born on April 3, 1973 (age 51)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Yo Oizumi is a TV personality and a stage actor based in Hokkaidō. He was born in Ebetsu and has been living in Sapporo since 1984.

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Yo Yo Honey Singh

First Name Yo
Last Name Singh
Born on March 15, 1983 (age 41)
Born in India

Hirdesh Singh, known by his professional name, Yo Yo Honey Singh or Honey Singh, is an Indian music producer, composer, rapper, pop singer, lyricist and film actor. He started out as a session and recording artist, and became a bhangra and hip hop music producer. Later, he got success with his music and started making songs for Bollywood films and also his independent music videos. Currently, he is one of the highest paid artist in the Indian music industry.

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Yō Hitoto

First Name
Last Name Hitoto
Born on September 20, 1976 (age 48)
Born in Japan

Yo Hitoto is a Japanese pop singer. Her mother is Japanese and her father is Taiwanese. She can speak three languages: Japanese, English, and Mandarin. Tae Hitoto is her older sister. Her name Hitoto is not her real surname, it is her mother's maiden name. She changed her name when she came to Japan. Her father died when she was very young, and her mother died when she was 16. She is also known for her smash hit single Hanamizuki released in 2004 which she wrote inspired by the events of the September 11 attacks in the United States, the song has been covered by many artists around the world.

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Yō Taichi

First Name
Last Name Taichi
Born on April 6, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Japan

Yō Taichi is a Japanese voice actress from Saitama Prefecture. She is affiliated with VIMS.

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Yō Kusakabe

First Name
Last Name Kusakabe
Born on July 3, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Japan
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Yō Ikenaga

First Name
Last Name Ikenaga
Born on June 29, 1950 (age 74)
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Yō Henmi

First Name
Last Name Henmi
Born on September 27, 1944 (age 80)
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Yō Nakamura

First Name
Last Name Nakamura
Born on November 30, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Japan
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Yō Shitara

First Name
Last Name Shitara
Born on January 1, 1951 (age 74)
Born in Japan
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