List of Famous people named Stefano

Name Stefano is among the most common names in Italy. Similar names: Stefan, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephane, Stefanie, Stefania, Sthefany, Steffani, Stefani, Steffan. Here are some famous Stefanos:

Stefano Okaka

Stefano Chuka Okaka
First Name Stefano
Last Name Okaka
Born on August 9, 1989 (age 34)
Born in Italy, Umbria
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Stefano Chuka Okaka is an Italian footballer who plays as a forward for Udinese.

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Stefano Pioli

Stefano Pioli is an Italian football manager and a former footballer who played as a defender. He is the head coach at Serie A club A.C. Milan.

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Stefano Gabbana

First Name Stefano
Last Name Gabbana
Born on November 14, 1962 (age 61)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
Net Worth $1.6B

Stefano Gabbana is a fashion designer and, along with Domenico Dolce, the co-founder of the Dolce & Gabbana luxury fashion house.

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Stefano Sturaro

First Name Stefano
Last Name Sturaro
Born on March 9, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Italy, Liguria
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Stefano Sturaro is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Serie A club Hellas Verona, on loan from Genoa.

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Stefano Accorsi

First Name Stefano
Last Name Accorsi
Born on March 2, 1971 (age 53)

Stefano Lelio Beniamino Accorsi is an Italian actor.

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Stefano Lilipaly

Stefano Jantje Lilipaly is an Indonesian professional footballer who plays for Liga 1 club Bali United and the Indonesia national team. He mostly plays as an attacking midfielder, but he can also play on the wing. Born in the Netherlands, Lilipaly represented his country of birth at youth level. Lilipaly made his debut for the Indonesia national team in 2013. His father is Indonesian of Moluccan descent, while his mother is Dutch.

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Stefano Salvatori

First Name Stefano
Last Name Salvatori
Born on December 29, 1967
Died on October 31, 2017 (aged 49)
Born in Italy, Lazio
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Stefano Salvatori was an Italian professional footballer. A tenacious, physically strong, and hard-working player, known for his energetic and tough-tackling style of play, he usually played as a central midfielder, but was also capable of playing as a defensive midfielder, as a full-back or centre-back. He played for several clubs in his homeland, including Parma, Fiorentina, Milan and Atalanta, and the Scottish club Heart of Midlothian. Salvatori also represented Italy in under-21 and B international matches.

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Stefano Delle Chiaie

First Name Stefano
Last Name Chiaie
Born on September 13, 1936
Died on September 10, 2019 (aged 82)
Born in Italy, Campania

Stefano Delle Chiaie was an Italian neo-fascist terrorist. He was the founder of Avanguardia Nazionale, a member of Ordine Nuovo, and founder of Lega nazionalpopolare. He went on to become a wanted man worldwide, suspected of involvement in Italy's strategy of tension, but was acquitted. He was a friend of Licio Gelli, grandmaster of P2 masonic lodge. He was suspected of involvement in South America's Operation Condor, but was acquitted. He was known by his nickname "il caccola" as he was five feet tall - although he stated that originally, the nickname came from his very young involvement, at age 14, in the Italian Social Movement (MSI), a neo-fascist political party established after the war

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Stefano Casiraghi

First Name Stefano
Last Name Casiraghi
Died on October 3, 1990 (aged 20)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Stefano Casiraghi was an Italian offshore powerboat racer, socialite, and businessman. He was the second husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco; he died during a racing accident defending his 1989 Class 1 World Powerboat Championship title.

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Stefano Borgonovo

First Name Stefano
Last Name Borgonovo
Born on March 17, 1964
Died on June 27, 2013 (aged 49)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Stefano Borgonovo was an Italian footballer and manager, who played as a striker. An opportunistic striker, Borgonovo played for several Italian clubs throughout his career, and came to prominence while playing alongside Roberto Baggio with Fiorentina during the 1988–89 season, on loan from Milan. His prolific performances with Fiorentina earned him a permanent move to Milan, where he contributed to the club's European Cup victory in 1990, despite struggling with injuries.

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