List of Famous people named Shari

Similar names: Shara, Shar, Sharaya. Here are some famous Sharis:

Shari Headley

First Name Shari
Last Name Headley
Born on July 15, 1964 (age 60)

Shari Headley is an American actress and former model. Headley is best known for her role as Lisa McDowell in the 1988 box-office hit romantic comedy film Coming to America. Headley also has appeared in films The Preacher's Wife (1996) and Johnson Family Vacation (2004).

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Shari Redstone

First Name Shari
Last Name Redstone
Born on April 14, 1954 (age 70)

Shari Ellin Redstone is an American media executive with a background in numerous aspects of the entertainment industry and related ventures. She currently serves as the chairman of ViacomCBS and president of National Amusements; she formerly served as the vice-chairman of CBS Corporation and Viacom. Through National Amusements, Redstone and her family are majority owners of CBS, Comedy Central, BET, Showtime Networks and the film studio Paramount Pictures.

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Shari Belafonte

First Name Shari
Last Name Belafonte
Born on September 22, 1954 (age 70)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Shari Lynn Belafonte is an American actress, model, writer and singer. The daughter of singer Harry Belafonte, she began her career as a fashion model before making her big screen debut appearing in the 1982 drama film If You Could See What I Hear. She is best known for her role as Julie Gillette in the ABC drama series Hotel from 1983 to 1988. She later went to star in the Canadian science fiction series Beyond Reality (1991-93). Belafonte also released two studio albums in 1980s, and acted on stage in later years.

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Shari Eubank

First Name Shari
Last Name Eubank
Born on June 12, 1947 (age 77)

Shari Eubank is a retired American actress, best known for her starring role in the Russ Meyer film Supervixens.

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Shari Arison

First Name Shari
Last Name Arison
Born on September 9, 1957 (age 67)
Net Worth $4.4B

Shari Arison is an American-born Israeli businesswoman and philanthropist, and Israel's wealthiest woman. She is the owner of Arison Investments, which comprises several business companies, and of The Ted Arison Family Foundation, which comprises several philanthropic organizations that operate as its subsidiaries. She was the controlling shareholder of Bank Hapoalim for 21 years, and after selling some of her shares in November 2018, she ceased to be the controlling shareholder at the bank. She was also an owner of Shikun & Binui for 22 years, sold to the Saidoff Group on August 6, 2018.

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Shari Watson

First Name Shari
Last Name Watson
Born on October 10, 1971 (age 53)
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Shari Albert

First Name Shari
Last Name Albert
Born on July 9, 1971 (age 53)
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Shari Sebbens

First Name Shari
Last Name Sebbens
Born on April 22, 1985 (age 39)

Shari Sebbens is an Aboriginal Australian actress, most famous for her debut film role in The Sapphires. She has also appeared in Redfern Now.

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Shari Tutchen

First Name Shari
Last Name Tutchen
Born on January 1, 1980 (age 45)
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Shari Watson

First Name Shari
Last Name Watson
Born on March 4, 1986 (age 38)
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