List of Famous people named Shara

Similar names: Shari, Shar, Sharaya. Here are some famous Sharas:

Shara Lin

First Name Shara
Last Name Lin
Born on November 5, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Taiwan

Shara Lin is a Taiwanese musician, actress, singer, and television host. She plays mainly violin and piano, but also guzheng and guitar; she is polyglot.

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Shara Proctor

First Name Shara
Last Name Proctor
Born on September 16, 1988 (age 35)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Shara Proctor is a British jumper born in Anguilla. She is the national record holder of both Anguilla and Great Britain. On 28 August 2015 at the World Championships in Beijing she became the first British, female, long-jumper to jump over 7 metres (7.07), setting a new British record and earning a world championship silver medal in the process. She also won the 2013 IAAF Diamond League in the event. Her younger sister is the Anguillan sprinter Shinelle Proctor.

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Shara Gillow

First Name Shara
Last Name Gillow
Born on December 23, 1987 (age 36)

Shara Gillow is an Australian former professional cyclist, who competed professionally between 2011 and 2020, for the Bizkaia–Durango, Orica–AIS, Rabo–Liv and FDJ Nouvelle-Aquitaine Futuroscope teams. She was selected to represent Australia at the 2012 Summer Olympics, where she finished 13th in the time trial and 39th in the road race.

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