List of Famous people named Noel

Similar names: Noelle, Noelia, Noella, Noela. Here are some famous Noels:

Noel Fielding

First Name Noel
Last Name Fielding
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Noel Fielding is an English comedian, writer, actor, artist, musician and television presenter. He is best known for his work with The Mighty Boosh comedy troupe alongside comedy partner Julian Barratt in the 2000s and more recently as a co-presenter of The Great British Bake Off since 2017. A comedian and comic actor, he is known for his use of surreal humour and black comedy.

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Noel Gugliemi

First Name Noel
Last Name Gugliemi
Born on October 15, 1970 (age 53)

Noel Albert Gugliemi is an American actor best known for his portrayals of Southern Californian gangsters.

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Noel Edmonds

First Name Noel
Last Name Edmonds
Born on December 22, 1948 (age 75)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Noel Ernest Edmonds is an English television presenter, radio DJ, writer, producer, and businessman. Edmonds first became known as a disc jockey on Radio Luxembourg before moving to BBC Radio 1 in the UK. He has presented various radio shows and light-entertainment television programmes across 50 years, originally working for the BBC, later Sky UK and Channel 4. His television work includes Top of the Pops (1972–1978), Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (1976–1982), Top Gear (1979–1980), The Late Late Breakfast Show (1982–1986), Telly Addicts, Noel's Saturday Roadshow (1988–1990), Noel's House Party (1991–1999), and Deal or No Deal (2005–2016).

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Noel Gallagher

Noel Thomas David Gallagher
First Name Noel
Last Name Gallagher
Born on May 29, 1967 (age 57)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Noel Thomas David Gallagher is an English singer, songwriter, and musician. He served as the songwriter, lead guitarist, and co-lead vocalist of the rock band Oasis. After leaving Oasis in 2009, he formed and became the lead vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter for Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds.

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Noel Clarke

Noel Anthony Clarke
First Name Noel
Last Name Clarke
Born on December 6, 1975 (age 48)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Noel Anthony Clarke is an English actor, screenwriter, director and comic book writer from London. He became known for playing Mickey Smith in Doctor Who. Clarke appeared in and wrote the screenplay for Kidulthood and wrote, directed, and starred in the sequels, Adulthood and Brotherhood, which earned £1,209,319 during the opening weekend of its release. Clarke won the Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Performer in 2003 and was awarded a BAFTA Orange Rising Star Award in 2009.

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Noel Sullivan

First Name Noel
Last Name Sullivan
Born on July 28, 1980 (age 43)

Noel Sullivan is a Welsh singer and actor. He was a member of the British pop group Hear'Say. Like the other members of the group, he won his part through the talent show Popstars.

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Noel Tata

First Name Noel
Last Name Tata
Born on January 1, 1956 (age 68)

Noel Naval Tata is an Indian businessman with Irish citizenship, who is the chairman of Trent and Tata Investment Corporation, the managing director of Tata International, and the vice chairman of Titan Company.

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Noël Wells

Noël Kristi Wells Chaouachi
First Name Noël
Last Name Wells
Born on December 23, 1986 (age 37)

Noël Kristi Wells is an American actress, voice actress, comedian, director, musician, and writer. She is known for her television roles as Rachel Silva in Netflix comedy-drama Master of None, as the voice of Kelsey Pokoly in the Cartoon Network animated television series Craig of the Creek, and as a featured player on the late-night variety series Saturday Night Live, as well as for writing, directing, and starring in the film Mr. Roosevelt. Her debut album It's So Nice! was released in 2019.

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Noel Schajris

Nahuel Schajris Rodríguez
First Name Noel
Last Name Schajris
Born on July 19, 1974 (age 50)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Nahuel Schajris Rodríguez is an Argentine-Mexican singer, songwriter and pianist based in Mexico who experienced chart-topping success as part of the duo Sin Bandera until he and fellow singer and songwriter Leonel García concluded their partnership in 2007. Schajris began his solo career in 2009 with the release of his first full-length solo album Uno No Es Uno, which was received with critical and commercial success, reaching number 10 on Billboard's Latin Pop Albums chart and number 27 on Billboard's Top Latin Albums chart.

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Noel Biderman

First Name Noel
Last Name Biderman
Born on January 1, 1971 (age 53)

Noel Biderman is a Canadian internet entrepreneur and business marketing specialist. Biderman has occupied roles as corporate President, CEO, COO and International Lead for businesses that have operated in 58 different countries around the globe. Biderman is the former CEO of Avid Life Media and was the Chief Executive of parent company Ashley Madison.

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