List of Famous people named Marjorie

Similar names: Marjory. Here are some famous Marjories:

Marjorie Taylor Greene

First Name Marjorie
Born on May 27, 1974 (age 50)

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an American politician, businesswoman, and conspiracy theorist serving as a U.S. Representative for Georgia's 14th congressional district. Greene was elected to Congress in the November 2020 elections, and took office on January 3, 2021.

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Marjorie Merriweather Post

First Name Marjorie
Born on March 15, 1887
Died on September 12, 1973 (aged 86)

Marjorie Merriweather Post was an American businesswoman, socialite, philanthropist, and owner of General Foods, Inc. She used much of her fortune to collect art, particularly pre-revolutionary Russian art, much of which is now on display at Hillwood, the museum which was her estate in Washington, D.C. She is also known for her mansion, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, which following her death eventually became a resort owned by Donald Trump.

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Marjorie Bruce

First Name Marjorie
Born on November 30, 1296
Died on March 2, 1316 (aged 19)

Marjorie Bruce or Marjorie de Brus was the eldest daughter of Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, by his first wife, Isabella of Mar.

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Marjorie Estiano

Marjorie Dias de Oliveira
First Name Marjorie
Born on March 8, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Brazil, Paraná

Marjorie Estiano is a Brazilian actress and singer. She rose to prominence in 2004 playing the role of Natasha in the Rede Globo teen series Malhação.

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Marjorie Barretto

Marjorie Bernandine Barretto
First Name Marjorie
Born on May 19, 1974 (age 50)

Marjorie Bernandine Castelo Barretto is an actress and politician from the Philippines. She was elected to the city councilor as representative of second district of Caloocan City from 2007 to 2013. Her sisters, Claudine and Gretchen Barretto, and her daughter Julia are also actresses.

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Marjorie Cameron

First Name Marjorie
Born on April 23, 1922
Died on June 24, 1995 (aged 73)

Marjorie Cameron Parsons Kimmel, who professionally used the mononym Cameron, was an American artist, poet, actress and occultist. A follower of Thelema, the new religious movement established by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, she was married to rocket pioneer and fellow Thelemite Jack Parsons.

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Marjorie Finlay

First Name Marjorie
Born on October 5, 1928
Died on June 1, 2003 (aged 74)

Marjorie Moehlenkamp Finlay was an American opera singer and television personality. A coloratura soprano, she performed concert, opera, and supper club singing. After winning a talent contest in 1950, Finlay toured on the ABC radio network show Music With the Girls. She later had her own television program and served as an MC for El Show Pan-Americano in Puerto Rico. Finlay toured in South America and released an album in Mexico.

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Marjorie Lord

First Name Marjorie
Born on July 26, 1918
Died on November 28, 2015 (aged 97)

Marjorie Lord was an American television and film actress. She played Kathy "Clancy" O'Hara Williams, opposite Danny Thomas's character on The Danny Thomas Show and later Make Room for Granddaddy.

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Marjorie de Sousa

First Name Marjorie
Born on April 23, 1980 (age 44)
Born in Venezuela

Marjorie de Sousa is a Venezuelan actress and model of Portuguese descent, The Sousa Family is of noble origin and of Visigoth ancestry. She is known worldwide for her villainous roles in telenovelas.

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Marjorie Main

First Name Marjorie
Born on February 24, 1890
Died on April 10, 1975 (aged 85)

Mary Tomlinson, professionally known as Marjorie Main, was an American character actress and singer of the Classical Hollywood period, best known as a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer contract player in the 1940s and 1950s, and for her role as Ma Kettle in ten Ma and Pa Kettle movies. Main started her career in vaudeville and theatre and appeared in films classics, such as Dead End (1937), The Women (1939), Dark Command (1940), The Shepherd of the Hills (1941), Meet Me in St. Louis (1944), and Friendly Persuasion (1956).

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