List of Famous people named Lidia

Name Lidia is among the most common names in Mexico, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Similar names: Lydia, Lydie, Lidiya, Lyda, Lidya, Liddy, Leda, Lida, Lead, Lido. Here are some famous Lidias:

Lidia San José

Lidia San José Segura
First Name Lidia
Born on January 2, 1983 (age 42)

Lidia San José Segura is a Spanish television and theatre actress.

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Lydia Valentín

First Name Lydia
Last Name Valentín
Born on February 10, 1985 (age 39)

Lydia Valentín Pérez is a Spanish weightlifter, Olympic Champion, 2 time World Champion and 4 time European Champion competing in the 75 kg category until 2018 and 81 kg starting in 2018 after the International Weightlifting Federation reorganized the categories. Lydia has won three Olympic Medals, two World Weightlifting Championships, as well as four European Weightlifting Championships.

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Lidia Elsa Satragno

First Name Lidia
Born on November 11, 1935 (age 89)

Lidia Elsa Satragno is an entertainer and politician in Argentina, where she's popularly known as Pinky.

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Lidia Bastianich

First Name Lidia
Born on February 21, 1947 (age 77)

Lidia Giuliana Matticchio Bastianich is an Italian-American celebrity chef, television host, author, and restaurateur. Specializing in Italian and Italian-American cuisine, Bastianich has been a regular contributor to public television cooking shows since 1998.

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Lidia Yermoshina

First Name Lidia
Born on January 29, 1953 (age 71)

Lidia Mikhailovna Yermoshina is a Belarusian politician. She has been a member of the Central Election Commission of Belarus since 1992, and Chairwoman since 1996.

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Lidia Falcón

Lidia Falcón y O'Neill
First Name Lidia
Born on December 13, 1935 (age 89)

Lidia Falcón O'Neill is a Spanish politician and writer. With a degree in Law, Dramatic Art, and Journalism, and PhD in Philosophy, she has stood out for her defense of feminism in Spain, especially during the Transition.

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Lidia Ávila

First Name Lidia
Born on September 13, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Mexico, Puebla

Lidia Ávila is a Mexican singer and actress.

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Lídia Jorge

First Name Lídia
Born on June 18, 1946 (age 78)
Born in Portugal, Faro, Loulé

Lídia Jorge is a prominent Portuguese novelist and author whose work is representative of a recent style of Portuguese writing, the so-called "Post Revolution Generation". Her books have won international recognition and have been published in many countries.

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Lidia Zamenhof

First Name Lidia
Born on January 29, 1904
Died on January 1, 1942 (aged 37)

Lidia Zamenhof was a Polish writer, publisher, translator and the youngest daughter of Klara (Silbernik) and L. L. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto. She was an active promoter of Esperanto as well as of Homaranismo, a form of religious humanism first defined by her father.

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Lidia Klement

First Name Lidia
Born on July 8, 1937
Died on June 16, 1964 (aged 26)
Born in Russia

Lidia Richardovna Klement was a Soviet singer.

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