List of Famous people named Lia

Similar names: Lee, Leo, Li, Lea, L, La, Le, Liao, Lai, Lo, Lei, Liya, Lya, Laya, Lao, Laia, Lio, Loai, Leee, Loi, Loo, Liia. Here are some famous Lias:

Lia McHugh

First Name Lia
Last Name McHugh
Born on November 18, 2005 (age 18)

Lia Ryan McHugh is an American actress. She is primarily known for Totem (2017), The Lodge and Into the Dark. She will portray Sprite in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Eternals (2021).

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Lia Marie Johnson

First Name Lia
Last Name Johnson
Born on November 23, 1996 (age 27)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Lia Marie Johnson is an American actress, singer, and Internet personality, who in 2014 was profiled by Adweek as one of the "10 biggest young stars on YouTube". She first received recognition for her work on her YouTube channel, where she rose to fame for creating skits and song covers. She also made appearances in the Fine Brothers web series Kids React (2010–2011).

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Lia Amanda

Lia Molfesi
First Name Lia
Last Name Amanda
Born on September 2, 1932 (age 91)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Lia Amanda is an Italian former film actress.

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Lia Wälti

First Name Lia
Last Name Wälti
Born on April 19, 1993 (age 31)
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Lia Joëlle Wälti is a Swiss professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for FA Women's Super League club Arsenal Women and Switzerland Women's National Team. She is the captain of Switzerland Women's National Team and the third captain of Arsenal Women, she was also the captain of her previous club Turbine Potsdam. Before signed for Arsenal Women in July 2018, she played professionally for Nationalliga A's club YB Frauen from 2009 until 2013 and for Frauen-Bundesliga's club Turbine Potsdam from 2013 until 2018.

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Lia Boysen

First Name Lia
Last Name Boysen
Born on April 6, 1966 (age 58)

Lia Marika Boysen is a Swedish actress. She has been married to Anders Ekborg and they have two daughters. In 2006 she received a Guldbagge Award for her role in the film Sök. She has also narrated audiobooks, among them Bedragen and Asyl and Gömda.

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Lia Gama

First Name Lia
Last Name Gama
Born on May 28, 1944 (age 80)
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Lia Vissi

Ολυμπία Βίσση
First Name Lia
Last Name Vissi
Born on May 15, 1955 (age 69)

Olympia "Lia" Vissi is a Greek Cypriot singer, songwriter and composer who most notable for her two participations in the Eurovision Song Contest and being older sister of Greek Cypriot singer Anna Vissi.

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Lia Sargent

First Name Lia
Last Name Sargent
Born on February 20, 1957 (age 67)

Lia Sargent is an American voice actress. She is known for extensive anime and video game voice work and has also done ADR directing and script writing for Animaze.. iNC. She is the daughter of movie and TV director Joseph Sargent and actress Mary Carver.

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Lía Crucet

First Name Lía
Last Name Crucet
Born on August 8, 1952 (age 71)
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Lia Eden

First Name Lia
Last Name Eden
Born on August 21, 1947
Died on April 9, 2021 (aged 73)
Born in Indonesia, East Java
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