List of Famous people named Leila

Similar names: Lily, Lil, Lili, Lyle, Lilly, Lila, Lilli, Lilia, Leyla, Lilo, Lela, Lelia, Leela, Lello, Lelio, Lele, Leelee, Lilla, Lillie, Lyla, Lill, Lilya, Lella, Lael, Lillo, Leilei, Lilah. Here are some famous Leilas:

Leila George

First Name Leila
Born on March 20, 1992 (age 32)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Leila George D'Onofrio is an Australian-American actress.

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Leïla Bekhti

Yasmine Leïla Bekhti
First Name Leïla
Born on March 6, 1984 (age 40)

Yasmine Leïla Bekhti is a French film and television actress of Algerian descent. She is best known for her roles in Tout ce qui brille (2007) and, in 2006, Paris, je t'aime and Sheitan.

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Leila Janah

First Name Leila
Born on October 9, 1982
Died on January 24, 2020 (aged 37)

Leila Janah was an American businesswoman. She was the founder and CEO of Sama and LXMI, two companies which share a common social mission to end global poverty by giving work to people in need. Sama's 11,000 employees have worked under contracts with companies including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Walmart, Getty Images, Glassdoor and Vulcan Capital.

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Leïla Slimani

First Name Leïla
Born on October 3, 1981 (age 42)

Leïla Slimani is a Franco-Moroccan writer and journalist. She is also a French diplomat in her capacity as the personal representative of the French president Emmanuel Macron to the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. In 2016 she was awarded the Prix Goncourt for her novel Chanson douce.

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Leila de Lima

First Name Leila
Born on August 27, 1959 (age 64)

Leila Norma Eulalia Josefa Magistrado de Lima is a Filipino lawyer, human rights activist, politician, and law professor currently serving as a Senator of the Philippines since 2016. She was appointed by president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as Chairperson of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights in May 2008 and she served in the commission until June 30, 2010, when she was appointed by President Benigno S. Aquino III as the Philippines' Secretary of Justice.

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Leila Diniz

First Name Leila
Born on March 25, 1945
Died on June 14, 1972 (aged 27)

Leila Roque Diniz was a Brazilian television, film and theatre actress, whose liberal ideas and attitudes about sex had raised the discontent of both the feminists and the Brazilian military government of the 1960s.

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Leila Lopes

First Name Leila
Born on November 19, 1959
Died on December 3, 2009 (aged 50)

Leila Lopes was a Brazilian actress, model, journalist, porn star and television presenter, known for her appearance in soap operas on the Rede Globo channel and later for entering the pornographic film industry.

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Leila Lopes

First Name Leila
Born on February 26, 1986 (age 38)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira Lopes Umenyiora is an Angolan model and beauty queen who was crowned Miss Universe 2011. She had previously won Miss Angola UK 2010 and Miss Angola 2010, and was the first woman from Angola to win Miss Universe.

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Leila Mourad

First Name Leila
Born on February 17, 1918
Died on November 21, 1995 (aged 77)

Leila Mourad was an Egyptian singer and actress, and one of the most prominent superstars in Egypt and the entire Arab world in her era. Born Lillian Zaki Mourad Mordechai to an Egyptian Jewish family known for their patriotism in 1918 in the El Daher District in Cairo, she later changed her name to Leila Mourad as a stage-name. Leila married three times and divorced three times. She converted to Islam early in her life and died in 1995.

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Leila Hyams

First Name Leila
Born on May 1, 1905
Died on December 4, 1977 (aged 72)

Leila Hyams was an American film actress, model, and vaudevillian, who came from a show business family. Her relatively short film career began in the 1920s during the era of silent films and ended in 1936. Although her career only lasted around twelve years, the blonde blue-eyed ingenue and leading lady appeared in more than 50 film roles and remained a press favorite, with numerous magazine covers.

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