List of Famous people named Kiera

Similar names: Kerry, Kerri, Kyra, Kira, Keir, Keri, Kiro, Keira, Kyrie, Kiri, Kierra, Kir, Kerr, Kiira, Kerrie, Ker, Kerra. Here are some famous Kieras:

Kiera Allen

First Name Kiera
Born on January 1, 1998 (age 26)

Kiera Allen is an American actress.

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Kiera Cass

First Name Kiera
Born on May 19, 1981 (age 43)

Kiera Cass is an American writer of young adult fiction, best known for The Selection series.

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Kiera Chaplin

First Name Kiera
Born on July 1, 1982 (age 42)

Kiera Chaplin is an Irish-born British American model, entrepreneur, activist, singer and actress. She is the granddaughter of the legendary English filmmaker Charlie Chaplin and the great-granddaughter of the American dramatist Eugene O'Neill.

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