List of Famous people named Kir

Similar names: Kerry, Kerri, Kyra, Kira, Keir, Keri, Kiro, Keira, Kyrie, Kiri, Kierra, Kiera, Kerr, Kiira, Kerrie, Ker, Kerra. Here are some famous Kirs:

Kir Bulychev

Игорь Всеволодович Можейко
First Name Kir
Last Name Bulychev
Born on October 18, 1934
Died on September 5, 2003 (aged 68)
Born in Russia

Kir Bulychev is a pen name of Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, a Soviet Russian science fiction writer, critic, translator and historian. His magnum opus is a children's science fiction series Alisa Selezneva, although most of his books are adult-oriented. His books were adapted for film, TV and animation over 20 times – more than any other Russian science fiction author – and Bulychev himself wrote scripts for early adaptations.

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