List of Famous people named Kid

Similar names: Kidd, Kido, Kida, Kydd. Here are some famous Kids:

Kid Cudi

Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi
First Name Kid
Last Name Cudi
Born on January 30, 1984 (age 40)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi, better known by his stage name Kid Cudi, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, and record executive. He has widely been recognized as an influence on several contemporary hip hop and alternative acts. Cudi's first full-length project, a mixtape titled A Kid Named Cudi (2008) caught the attention of American rapper-producer Kanye West, who signed Cudi to his GOOD Music label imprint in late 2008.

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Kid Rock

First Name Kid
Last Name Rock
Born on January 17, 1971 (age 54)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Robert James Ritchie, better known as Kid Rock and occasionally Bobby Shazam, is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, musician, and record producer. His style alternates between rock, hip hop, country, and heavy metal. A self-taught musician, he plays every instrument in his backing band and has overseen production on all but two of his albums.

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Kid Canfield

First Name Kid
Last Name Canfield
Born on January 1, 1878
Died on January 1, 1935 (aged 57)

George Washington Bonner, popularly known as Kid Canfield, was an American gambler and confidence trickster who later reformed and made a series of lectures and two films on the prevalence of cheating in gambling. Born in a small village near Columbus, Ohio, Canfield learned to gamble in his family's hotel. After a period running fixed three-card Monte games at circuses, he traveled the United States to play high-stakes card games. Canfield claimed to have played with gangsters such as Arnold Rothstein, Legs Diamond, and Al Capone and to have won $350,000 from Rothstein in a single session.

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Kid Vinil

First Name Kid
Last Name Vinil
Born on March 10, 1955
Died on May 19, 2017 (aged 62)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Kid Vinil, stage name of Antônio Carlos Senefonte, was a Brazilian singer, radio broadcaster, composer and journalist. He became famous in the Brazilian rock of the 1980s.

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Kid Noize

Grégory Avau
First Name Kid
Last Name Noize
Born on December 23, 1981 (age 43)
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Kid Bengala

First Name Kid
Last Name Bengala
Born on November 19, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Kid Fresino

First Name Kid
Last Name Fresino
Born on January 1, 1993 (age 32)
Born in Japan
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Kid Harpoon

Thomas Edward Percy Hull
First Name Kid
Last Name Harpoon
Born on April 20, 1982 (age 42)

Thomas Edward Percy Hull, known professionally as Kid Harpoon, is an English singer, songwriter, musician and record producer.

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Kid Congo Powers

First Name Kid
Last Name Powers

Brian Tristan better known by his stage name Kid Congo Powers, is an American rock guitarist and singer, best known as a member of The Gun Club, the Cramps and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. He has also played with the Divine Horsemen, the Angels of Light, Die Haut, and Knoxville Girls.

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