List of Famous people with last name Noize

Boys Noize

First Name Boys
Last Name Noize
Born on August 22, 1982 (age 41)
Born in Germany

Alexander Ridha, better known by his stage name Boys Noize, is a German electronic music record producer, songwriter, and DJ. It is similar to the name of Ridha's label, Boysnoize Records, which he established in 2005. Ridha has remixed a number of other artist's work, including Snoop Dogg and Depeche Mode. In 2019, he produced Frank Ocean's song "DHL".

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Kid Noize

Grégory Avau
First Name Kid
Last Name Noize
Born on December 23, 1981 (age 42)
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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