List of Famous people named Harvey

Similar names: Harve. Here are some famous Harveys:

Harvey Friedman

First Name Harvey
Last Name Friedman
Born on September 23, 1948 (age 76)

Harvey Friedman is an American mathematical logician at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. He has worked on reverse mathematics, a project intended to derive the axioms of mathematics from the theorems considered to be necessary. In recent years this has advanced to a study of Boolean relation theory, which attempts to justify large cardinal axioms by demonstrating their necessity for deriving certain propositions considered "concrete".

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Harvey Jason

First Name Harvey
Last Name Jason
Born on February 29, 1940 (age 84)

Harvey Albert Jason is an English actor and the co-owner of Mystery Pier Books, an independent book store that sells first editions.

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Harvey Catchings

Harvey Lee Catchings is an American former professional basketball player.

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Harvey Mason

First Name Harvey
Last Name Mason
Born on February 22, 1947 (age 77)

Harvey William Mason is an American jazz drummer, record producer, and member of the band Fourplay. Mason grew up in Atlantic City, New Jersey and attended Atlantic City High School.

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Harvey Friedman

First Name Harvey
Last Name Friedman
Born on January 1, 1959 (age 66)

Harvey Friedman, sometimes credited as Harvey Friedmann, is an American film, television and theatre actor.

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Harvey S. Rosen

First Name Harvey
Last Name Rosen
Born on March 29, 1949 (age 75)

Harvey Sheldon Rosen was the John L. Weinberg Professor of Economics and Business Policy at Princeton University, and former chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisers. His research focuses on public finance. Harvard University economist and former Council of Economic Advisers chairman Greg Mankiw credits Rosen as one of four mentors who taught him how to practice economics, along with Alan Blinder, Larry Summers, and Stanley Fischer.

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Harvey Goldsmith

First Name Harvey
Last Name Goldsmith
Born on March 4, 1946 (age 78)

Harvey Goldsmith is an English performing arts promoter. He is best known as a promoter of rock concerts, charity concerts, television broadcasts for the Prince's Trust and more recently the Teenage Cancer Trust shows at the Royal Albert Hall.

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Harvey Levin

First Name Harvey
Last Name Levin
Born on September 2, 1950 (age 74)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Harvey Robert Levin is an American television producer, legal analyst, celebrity reporter, and former lawyer. He is the founder of celebrity news website TMZ, and the host of OBJECTified, which airs on the Fox News Channel.

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Harvey Guillén

First Name Harvey
Last Name Guillén

Javier "Harvey" Guillén is an American actor who is best known for his role as the human familiar Guillermo de la Cruz in the 2019 television series What We Do in the Shadows.

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Harvey Spencer Stephens

First Name Harvey
Last Name Stephens
Born on November 12, 1970 (age 54)

Harvey Spencer Stephens is an English actor. He became world famous when he took on the role of devil child Damien Thorn in the 1976 film The Omen, which earned him a Golden Globe nomination for Best Acting Debut in a Motion Picture – Male.

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