List of Famous people with last name Guillen

Disappearance of Vanessa Guillen

First Name Disappearance
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 24)

Vanessa Guillén was a 20-year-old U.S. Army soldier who was murdered on April 22, 2020 inside a Fort Hood, Texas armory by another enlisted soldier, Aaron David Robinson, age 20. Guillén had been missing since April 22 when some of her dismembered remains were found buried along the Leon River on June 30.

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Gustavo Guillén

Gustavo Héctor Dasso
First Name Gustavo
Last Name Guillén
Born on June 30, 1962
Died on May 28, 2020 (aged 57)
Born in Argentina
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Gustavo Guillén was an Argentine actor and musician. His real name was Gabriel Gustavo Dasso. Gustavo Guillén became famous for his roles in Argentina's soap operas. He was the drummer of the rock band Fuera de Peligro, and he performed in the theater.

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Antonio Cárdenas Guillén

Antonio Ezequiel Cárdenas Guillen
First Name Antonio
Last Name Guillén
Born on March 5, 1962
Died on November 5, 2010 (aged 48)
Born in Mexico, Tamaulipas

Antonio Ezequiel Cárdenas Guillén, commonly referred to by his alias Tony Tormenta, was a Mexican drug lord and co-leader of the Gulf Cartel, a drug trafficking organization based in Tamaulipas. He headed the criminal group along with Jorge Eduardo Costilla Sánchez. Antonio was considered by Mexican security forces as one of Mexico's most-wanted men.

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Mercè Comaposada i Guillén

First Name Mercè
Last Name Guillén
Born on August 14, 1900
Died on February 11, 1994 (aged 93)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Mercedes Comaposada Guillén was a Spanish pedagogue, lawyer, and anarcho-feminist. With Lucía Sánchez Saornil and Amparo Poch y Gascón, she was the cofounder of the libertarian women's organization, Mujeres Libres. She participated in the Spanish Revolution of 1936. Apart from the numerous articles she wrote for the press, Comaposada published several works, some of them under the name of Mercedes Guillén, a name that had some notability in libertarian circles.

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Carlos Lozano Guillén

First Name Carlos
Last Name Guillén
Born on June 19, 1948
Died on May 23, 2018 (aged 69)

Carlos Lozano Guillén was a Colombian journalist, activist and political leader. He was a member of the Colombian Communist Party.

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Francesca Guillén

First Name Francesca
Last Name Guillén
Born on June 14, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Mexico

Mónica Trueba Guillén is a Mexican film, theater, and television actress.

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Harvey Guillén

First Name Harvey
Last Name Guillén

Javier "Harvey" Guillén is an American actor who is best known for his role as the human familiar Guillermo de la Cruz in the 2019 television series What We Do in the Shadows.

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Gonzalo Guillén

First Name Gonzalo
Last Name Guillén
Born on June 30, 1952 (age 72)
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José Guillén

José Manuel Guillén is a Dominican former professional baseball outfielder. Guillén played for ten Major League Baseball (MLB) teams in his career.

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Avelino Guillén

First Name Avelino
Last Name Guillén
Born on November 10, 1954 (age 69)
Born in Peru, Apurímac

Avelino Trifón Guillén Jáuregui, is a Peruvian lawyer and politician. Since 4 November 2021, he has been Minister of the Interior of Peru in the Pedro Castillo government.

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