List of Famous people named Merce

Similar names: Mark, Marc, Marco, Marko, Marcia, Mirko, Mircea, Mercy, Mirco, Marcy, Marcio, Mirka, Markie, Marky, Marci. Here are some famous Merces:

Mercè Comaposada i Guillén

First Name Mercè
Last Name Guillén
Born on August 14, 1900
Died on February 11, 1994 (aged 93)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Mercedes Comaposada Guillén was a Spanish pedagogue, lawyer, and anarcho-feminist. With Lucía Sánchez Saornil and Amparo Poch y Gascón, she was the cofounder of the libertarian women's organization, Mujeres Libres. She participated in the Spanish Revolution of 1936. Apart from the numerous articles she wrote for the press, Comaposada published several works, some of them under the name of Mercedes Guillén, a name that had some notability in libertarian circles.

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Mercè Rodoreda

Mercè Rodoreda i Gurguí
First Name Mercè
Last Name Rodoreda
Born on October 10, 1908
Died on April 13, 1983 (aged 74)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Mercè Rodoreda i Gurguí was a Catalan novelist.

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Merce Cunningham

First Name Merce
Last Name Cunningham
Born on April 16, 1919
Died on July 26, 2009 (aged 90)

Mercier Philip "Merce" Cunningham was an American dancer and choreographer who was at the forefront of American modern dance for more than 50 years. He was notable for frequent collaboration with artists of other disciplines, including musicians John Cage, David Tudor, Brian Eno, and graphic artists Robert Rauschenberg, Bruce Nauman, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella, and Jasper Johns; and fashion designer Rei Kawakubo. Works that he produced with these artists had a profound impact on avant-garde art beyond the world of dance.

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Mercè Pons

Mercè Pons i Veiga
First Name Mercè
Last Name Pons
Born on June 4, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Mercè Pons is a known Spanish TV, dubbing, theatre and movie actress born in 1966.

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