List of Famous people named Cora

Similar names: Kori, Korey, Koray, Kor. Here are some famous Coras:

Cora Jade

First Name Cora
Last Name Jade
Born on February 14, 2001 (age 23)

Brianna Coda is an American professional wrestler currently signed to WWE, performing on the NXT brand under the ring name Cora Jade. Before signing to WWE, she previously wrestled on the independent circuit under the ring name Elayna Black, and made appearances in All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and Impact Wrestling.

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Cora Schumacher

Cora-Caroline Brinkmann

Cora Schumacher is a German actress, model, racing driver and television presenter. She has featured on German television programmes such as Top of the Pops, Marienhof, Let's Dance and Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei, and featured on the cover of the GQ, Maxim and Playboy magazines. During her motor racing career, Schumacher competed in the Mini Challenge Deutschland, the SEAT León Supercopa, the Dubai 24 Hour three times, the GT4 European Series Northern Cup and the GT4 Central European Cup.

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Cora Stephan

First Name Cora
Last Name Stephan
Born on April 7, 1951 (age 73)

Cora Stephan is a German-speaking writer and essayist.

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Cora Miao

First Name Cora
Last Name Miao
Born on August 21, 1958 (age 65)

Cora Miao is a Chinese actress who worked predominantly in Hong Kong films. During her career she was nominated for four Hong Kong Film Awards and four Golden Horse Film Festival awards, winning one. She won the Miss Photogenic award in the Miss Hong Kong Pageant in 1976 after graduating from the United States. She is married to film director Wayne Wang.

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Cora Rónai

First Name Cora
Last Name Rónai
Born on July 31, 1953 (age 70)

Cora Tausz Rónai is a Brazilian writer, journalist and photographer.

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Cora Tsouflidou

First Name Cora
Last Name Tsouflidou
Born on May 27, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Canada, Quebec
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Cora Jane Brabazon

First Name Cora
Last Name Brabazon
Born on October 26, 1934 (age 89)
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