List of Famous people named Carey

Similar names: Kari, Kara, Kare, Kiara, Karo, Kary, Karey, Karra. Here are some famous Careys:

Carey Mulligan

Carey Hannah Mulligan
First Name Carey
Last Name Mulligan
Born on May 28, 1985 (age 39)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Carey Hannah Mulligan is a British actress. She made her professional acting debut on stage in the 2004 Kevin Elyot play Forty Winks at the Royal Court Theatre. Her film debut came with a supporting role in the romantic drama Pride & Prejudice (2005), followed by roles in television, including the drama series Bleak House (2005) and the television film Northanger Abbey (2007). Mulligan made her Broadway debut in the 2008 revival of the Anton Chekov play The Seagull, which earned her an Ian Charleson Commendation Award.

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Carey Hart

First Name Carey
Last Name Hart
Born on July 17, 1975 (age 49)

Carey Jason Phillip Hart is an American former professional freestyle motocross competitor, motorcycle racer and current off-road truck racer. He is known for being the first motorcyclist to perform a back flip on a 250cc motorcycle during a competition, and for his company Hart & Huntington Tattoo & Clothing Company.

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Carey Price

First Name Carey
Last Name Price
Born on August 16, 1987 (age 36)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Carey Price is a Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender for the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League (NHL). He is considered to be one of the best goaltenders in the world by many colleagues, fans, The Hockey News, and EA Sports; and one of the greatest goalies in the history of the Montreal Canadiens by several members of the news media.

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Carey Lowell

First Name Carey
Last Name Lowell
Born on February 11, 1961 (age 63)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Carey Lowell is an American actress and former model.

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Carey More

First Name Carey
Last Name More
Born on October 15, 1957 (age 66)

Camilla More and Carey More are English actresses who have starred in films and on television. They are identical twin sisters. The two sisters have starred together in some films and TV shows. The twins were born in London. They are both known for their roles in the 1984 horror film Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter as Tina and Terri.

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Carey Loftin

First Name Carey
Last Name Loftin
Born on January 31, 1914
Died on March 4, 1997 (aged 83)

William Carey Loftin was an American professional stuntman, stunt coordinator and actor in the U.S. film industry. He is considered to be one of the film industry's most accomplished stunt drivers. In a lengthy career spanning 61 years, his body of work included classic films such as Thunder Road, Bullitt, Vanishing Point, Duel, and The French Connection. He was posthumously inducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2001.

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Carey Fraser

First Name Carey
Last Name Fraser
Born on January 1, 1660
Died on May 13, 1709 (aged 49)
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Carey Wayne Van Dyke

First Name Carey
Last Name Dyke
Born on February 25, 1976 (age 48)
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Carey Dillon, 5th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Carey
Last Name Roscommon
Died on November 24, 1689
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Carey Hayes

First Name Carey
Last Name Hayes
Born on April 21, 1961 (age 63)

Carey W. Hayes is an American screenwriter and producer. He is the twin brother of Chad Hayes. They are writing partners, and wrote such films as the 2005 remake of House of Wax, The Reaping (2007) and The Conjuring (2013). The two also appeared in Rad, a sports film directed by Hal Needham, as well as Doublemint Gum commercials in their early years of acting in the 1980s.

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