List of Famous people with last name Roscommon

James Dillon, 1st Earl of Roscommon

First Name James
Last Name Roscommon
Died on March 1, 1642

James Dillon, 1st Earl of Roscommon was an Irish peer.

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Carey Dillon, 5th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Carey
Last Name Roscommon
Died on November 24, 1689
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Robert Dillon, 2nd Earl of Roscommon

First Name Robert
Last Name Roscommon
Died on August 27, 1642

Robert Dillon, 2nd Earl of Roscommon PC (Ire) was styled Baron Dillon of Kilkenny-West from 1622 to 1641 and became earl of Roscommon only a year before his death. He supported Strafford, Lord Deputy of Ireland, who appointed him as one of the keepers of the King's seal. Lord Kilkenny-West was in December 1640 for a short while a lord justice of Ireland together with Sir William Parsons.

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Robert Dillon, 6th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Robert
Last Name Roscommon
Died on May 14, 1715
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James Dillon, 3rd Earl of Roscommon

First Name James
Last Name Roscommon
Died on February 8, 1649
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John Dillon, 10th Earl of Roscommon

First Name John
Last Name Roscommon
Died on January 1, 1782
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Robert Dillon, 7th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Robert
Last Name Roscommon
Died on January 9, 1721
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Robert Dillon, 9th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Robert
Last Name Roscommon
Died on January 1, 1770
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Patrick Dillon, 11th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Patrick
Last Name Roscommon
Born on March 15, 1769
Died on November 17, 1826 (aged 57)
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Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon

First Name Wentworth
Last Name Roscommon
Born on January 1, 1637
Died on January 18, 1685 (aged 48)

Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1637–1685), was an Anglo-Irish landlord, Irish peer, and poet.

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