List of Famous people with last name Weil

Grete Weil

First Name Grete
Born on July 18, 1906
Died on May 14, 1999 (aged 92)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Grete Weil was a German writer of Jewish origin.

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Édouard Weil

Édouard Julien Weil
First Name Édouard
Last Name Weil
Born on January 12, 1970 (age 55)
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David Weil

David Nathan Weil
First Name David
Last Name Weil
Born on August 2, 1960 (age 64)

David Nathan Weil is the James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics at Brown University. Weil's scholarship has focused on economic growth and demographic economics. Between 2015 and 2018, Weil chaired Brown's Department of Economics.

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Henri Weil

First Name Henri
Last Name Weil
Born on August 27, 1818
Died on November 5, 1909 (aged 91)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Henri Weil was a French philologist.

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Laurent Weil

First Name Laurent
Last Name Weil
Born on December 9, 1963 (age 61)
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Christof Weil

First Name Christof
Born on January 11, 1954 (age 71)
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Else Weil

First Name Else
Born on June 19, 1889
Died on September 11, 1942 (aged 53)
Born in Germany
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Felix Weil

First Name Felix
Last Name Weil
Born on February 8, 1898
Died on September 18, 1975 (aged 77)
Born in Argentina

Félix José Weil was a Jewish German-Argentine Marxist, who provided the funds to found the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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Hermann Weil

First Name Hermann
Last Name Weil
Born on September 18, 1868
Died on October 3, 1927 (aged 59)

Hermann Weil was a German-Argentine businessman, who in the beginning of the 20th century was the biggest grain trader in the world. He was a patron of his hometown Steinsfurt in addition to the University of Frankfurt. He funded the Institute for Social Research which developed the Frankfurt School of Marxist thought and critical theory. He was the father of Felix Weil.

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Harry Weil

First Name Harry
Last Name Weil
Born on January 20, 1878
Died on January 23, 1943 (aged 65)
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