List of Famous people with last name Salomon

Jérôme Salomon

First Name Jérôme
Last Name Salomon
Born on April 26, 1969 (age 55)

Jérôme Salomon is a French infectious diseases physician and high-ranking civil servant. He is the French Directeur général de la Santé since 8 January 2018. He became known in France since the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Rick Salomon

First Name Rick
Last Name Salomon
Born on January 24, 1968 (age 56)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Rick Salomon is an American poker player, best known for the 2004 sex tape he filmed with Paris Hilton. He had other high-profile relationships with various female celebrities, including Elizabeth Daily, Shannen Doherty, and Pamela Anderson. As a poker player, Salomon won $2.8 million in the 2014, $3.3 million in the 2016, and $2.84 million in the 2018 World Series of Poker's Big One for One Drop event.

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Charlotte Salomon

First Name Charlotte
Last Name Salomon
Born on April 16, 1917
Died on October 10, 1943 (aged 26)
Born in Germany

Charlotte Salomon was a German-Jewish artist born in Berlin. She is primarily remembered as the creator of an autobiographical series of paintings Leben? oder Theater?: Ein Singspiel consisting of 769 individual works painted between 1941 and 1943 in the south of France, while Salomon was in hiding from the Nazis. In October 1943 she was captured and deported to Auschwitz, where she and her unborn child were gassed to death by the Nazis soon after her arrival. In 2015, a stunning nineteen-page confession by Salomon to the fatal poisoning of her grandfather, kept secret for decades, was released by a Parisian publisher.

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Alice Salomon

First Name Alice
Last Name Salomon
Born on April 19, 1872
Died on August 30, 1948 (aged 76)
Born in Germany

Alice Salomon was a German social reformer and pioneer of social work as an academic discipline. Her role was so important to German social work that the Deutsche Bundespost issued a commemorative postage stamp about her in 1989. A university, a park and a square in Berlin are all named after her.

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Beatriz Salomón

Beatriz Raquel Salomón
First Name Beatriz
Last Name Salomón
Born on October 9, 1953
Died on June 15, 2019 (aged 65)

Beatriz Salomón was an Argentine actress, television presenter, vedette and singer.

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Ben L. Salomon

First Name Ben
Last Name Salomon
Born on September 1, 1914
Died on July 7, 1944 (aged 29)

Benjamin Lewis Salomon was a United States Army dentist during World War II, assigned as a front-line surgeon. When the Japanese started overrunning his hospital, he stood a rear-guard action in which he had no hope of personal survival, allowing the safe evacuation of the wounded, killing as many as 98 enemy troops before being killed himself during the Battle of Saipan. In 2002, Salomon posthumously received the Medal of Honor. He is one of only three dental officers to have received the medal, the others being Alexander Gordon Lyle and Weedon Osborne.

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Dieter Salomon

First Name Dieter
Born on August 9, 1960 (age 63)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Dieter Salomon is a German politician and was mayor of Freiburg im Breisgau for two terms from 2002 until 2018. He is a member of the Alliance '90/The Greens.

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Mikael Salomon

Mikael Salomon is a Danish cinematographer, director and producer of film and television. After a long cinematography career in Danish cinema, he transitioned to the Hollywood film industry in the late 1980s earning two Academy Award nominations. He is also a television director whose credits include dozens of series, films and miniseries including Band of Brothers, Salem's Lot, Rome, and The Andromeda Strain. His awards and nominations include a Primetime Emmy Award and a Directors Guild of America Award.

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Ernst von Salomon

First Name Ernst
Last Name Salomon
Born on September 25, 1902
Died on August 9, 1972 (aged 69)

Ernst von Salomon was a Weimar-era national-revolutionary German writer and right-wing Freikorps member.

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Jean-Jacques Salomon

First Name Jean-Jacques
Born on November 17, 1929
Died on January 14, 2008 (aged 78)
Born in France, Grand Est
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