List of Famous people with last name Rey

Lana Del Rey

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant
First Name Lana
Last Name Rey
Born on June 21, 1985 (age 39)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, known professionally as Lana Del Rey, is an American singer-songwriter. Her music is noted for its stylized, cinematic quality; it explores themes of sadness, tragic romance, glamor, and melancholia, and it contains many references to pop culture, particularly 1950s and 1960s Americana.

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Luisito Rey

Luis Gallego
First Name Luisito
Born on June 28, 1945
Died on December 9, 1992 (aged 47)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Luis Gallego Sánchez, better known as Luisito Rey, was a Spanish singer-songwriter and music exective, better known as the father and first manager of singer Luis Miguel.

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Bárbara Rey

María Margarita García García
First Name Bárbara
Last Name Rey
Born on February 2, 1950 (age 75)

Bárbara Rey is a Spanish film and television actress. She is the daughter of Andrés García Valenzuela and Salvadora García Molina.

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Thierry Rey

First Name Thierry
Last Name Rey
Born on June 1, 1959 (age 65)

Thierry Rey is a French judoka, world champion and olympic champion. He won a gold medal in the extra lightweight (60 kg) division at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. He is the father of Martin Rey-Chirac, as a result of a relation with Claude Chirac, a daughter of late president Jacques Chirac.

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Rodrigo Rey

First Name Rodrigo
Last Name Rey
Born on March 8, 1991 (age 33)
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Rodrigo Rey is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Argentine Primera División club Gimnasia.

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Nicolas Rey

First Name Nicolas
Last Name Rey
Born in France, Normandy

Nicolas Rey is a French writer born in Evreux, Eure, on 8 May 1973.

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Olivier Rey

First Name Olivier
Last Name Rey
Born on January 1, 1964 (age 61)

Olivier Rey, is a French mathematician and philosopher. He is a specialist of transhumanism.

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Robert Rey

First Name Robert
Last Name Rey
Born on October 1, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Roberto Miguel Rey Júnior is a Brazilian American plastic surgeon. He was featured on the E! reality series Dr. 90210. Rey has appeared on many TV shows as a medical correspondent, including The View and Good Morning America, he has also contributed to The New York Times and appeared on the cover of Forbes Brazil.

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Alain Rey

Alain Marie Rey
First Name Alain
Born on August 30, 1928
Died on October 28, 2020 (aged 92)

Alain Rey was a French linguist, lexicographer and radio personality. He was the editor-in-chief at French dictionary publisher Dictionnaires Le Robert.

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Paola Rey

First Name Paola
Last Name Rey

Paola Andrea Rey Arciniegas is a Colombian actress and model.

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