List of Famous people with last name Persson

Markus Persson

Markus Alexej Persson
First Name Markus
Last Name Persson
Born on June 1, 1979 (age 45)
Net Worth $1.7B

Markus Alexej Persson, also known as Notch, is a Swedish video game programmer and designer. He is best known for creating the sandbox video game Minecraft and for founding the video game company Mojang in 2009.

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Peps Persson

First Name Peps
Born on December 20, 1946
Died on June 27, 2021 (aged 74)

Per-Åke Tommy Persson, known by the stage name Peps Persson, was a Swedish blues and reggae musician and social critic from Tjörnarp, Scania. Throughout his career he mostly made music in Swedish and was well known for his Scanian dialect. At an earlier stage he made a few albums in English. His songs from the 1970s have become Swedish classics, including "Falsk matematik", which was number-one on Svensktoppen for 15 weeks.

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Jan Persson

First Name Jan
Last Name Persson
Died on November 15, 2018 (aged 48)

Jan Persson worked as freelance photographer since 1962 for Danish newspapers and magazines in and around Copenhagen. Early on he specialized on documenting the jazz scene, later also the visiting beat and rock musicians who visited Copenhagen during the sixties and the seventies. His works have been documented in a series of books and exhibitions and his pictures are used on more than 1000 album and CD covers.

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Nina Persson

First Name Nina
Last Name Persson
Born on September 6, 1974 (age 49)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Nina Elisabet Persson audio  is the lead singer and lyricist for the Swedish rock band The Cardigans. She has also worked as a solo artist, releasing two albums as A Camp and one under her own name. She has also appeared as a guest artist with many other acts.

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Stefan Persson

First Name Stefan
Last Name Persson

Carl Stefan Erling Persson is a Swedish billionaire businessman. In March 2013, Forbes reported Persson's net worth as $28 billion making him the richest of Sweden's 12 billionaires and the 17th richest person in the world; he has since dropped to number 50. Persson was the chairman in fashion company H&M until May 2020, when he was succeeded by his son. He remains the company's largest shareholder, owning a 36% stake. The company was founded by his father Erling Persson in 1947.

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Karl-Johan Persson

Karl-Johan Erling Göran Persson
First Name Karl-Johan
Born on March 25, 1975 (age 49)
Net Worth $2.3B

Karl-Johan Erling Göran Persson is a Swedish billionaire businessman and former president and CEO of the fashion company Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), founded by his grandfather Erling Persson. As of May 2019, according to Forbes, he has a net worth of US$1.6 billion.

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Göran Persson

First Name Göran
Born on January 20, 1949 (age 75)

Hans Göran Persson is a Swedish politician who served as Prime Minister of Sweden from 1996 to 2006 and leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1996 to 2007.

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Erling Persson

First Name Erling
Born on January 21, 1917
Died on October 28, 2002 (aged 85)

Erling Persson was the founder of H&M. He got the idea following a post-World War II trip to the United States: He was impressed by the country's efficient, high-volume stores.

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Tom Persson

First Name Tom
Last Name Persson
Born on May 15, 1985 (age 39)
Net Worth $2.3B

Thomas Stefan Persson is a Swedish billionaire businessman, who works in the film industry. He is an heir of the fashion company Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), which was founded by his grandfather Erling Persson in 1947. On the Forbes 2019 list of the world's billionaires, he was ranked #1300 with a net worth of US$1.9 billion.

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Leif G. W. Persson

First Name Leif
Last Name Persson
Born on March 12, 1945 (age 79)

Leif Gustav Willy Persson is a Swedish criminologist and novelist. Persson has four children, one of whom, Malin Persson Giolito, is also a crime writer.

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