List of Famous people named Nina

Name Nina is among the most common names in Russia. Similar names: Nino, Nene, Nine, Nini, Ninni, Neena, Ninna. Here are some famous Ninas:

Nina Urgant

Нина Николаевна Ургант
First Name Nina
Last Name Urgant
Born on September 4, 1929
Died on December 3, 2021 (aged 92)

Nina Nikolayevna Urgant is a Soviet and Russian film and stage actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974).

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Nina Hagen

Catharina Hagen
First Name Nina
Last Name Hagen
Born on March 11, 1955 (age 69)

Catharina "Nina" Hagen is a German singer, songwriter, and actress. She is known for her theatrical vocals and rose to prominence during the punk and new wave movements in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

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Nina Ruslanova

First Name Nina
Last Name Ruslanova
Born on December 5, 1945
Died on November 21, 2021 (aged 75)

Nina Ivanovna Ruslanova is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. She was honored as a People's Artist of Russia (1998).

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Nina Wadia

First Name Nina
Last Name Wadia
Born on December 18, 1968 (age 55)
Born in India
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Nina Wadia is a British actress & comedian, known for playing Zainab Masood in the BBC soap opera EastEnders, Mrs Hussein in the Open All Hours spin-off Still Open All Hours, and for starring in the BBC Two sketch show Goodness Gracious Me. Additionally, Wadia appeared in the Hindi-language romantic comedy Namaste London in 2007. She also appeared in the series Origin in 2018. She is a member of the Wadia family

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Nina Ruge

First Name Nina
Last Name Ruge
Born on August 24, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Nina Ruge is a German journalist, TV presenter and author.

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Nina Proll

First Name Nina
Last Name Proll
Born on January 12, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Austria

Nina Proll is an Austrian actress. She has appeared in more than 50 films and television shows since 1995. She starred in the film September, which was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival.

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Nina Agapova

First Name Nina
Last Name Agapova
Born on May 30, 1926
Died on November 19, 2021 (aged 95)
Born in Russia

Nina Fyodorovna Agapova is a Soviet/Russian actress.

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Nina Kunzendorf

First Name Nina
Last Name Kunzendorf
Born on November 10, 1971 (age 52)

Nina Kunzendorf is a German actress. Her credits include the television series Tatort and the films Phoenix, Woman in Gold and Unspoken.

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Nina Nunes

First Name Nina
Last Name Nunes
Born on December 3, 1985 (age 38)

Nina Nunes is an American mixed martial artist who is currently competing in the women's strawweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. As of October 25, 2021, she is #6 in the UFC women's strawweight rankings.

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Nina Shatskaya

First Name Nina
Last Name Shatskaya
Born on April 22, 1966 (age 58)

Nina Arkadyevna Shatskaya is a Russian singer and actress, best known for her jazzy take on the Russian romance heritage. Staying out of the spotlight, Shatskaya is held in high regard by critics and colleagues. According to composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, "Next to our pop 'legends' she is a true queen: lonely and untouchable." Shatskaya released seven well-received albums and was designated a Meritorious Artist of Russia in 2004.

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