List of Famous people with last name Shatskaya

Nina Shatskaya

First Name Nina
Last Name Shatskaya
Born on April 22, 1966 (age 58)

Nina Arkadyevna Shatskaya is a Russian singer and actress, best known for her jazzy take on the Russian romance heritage. Staying out of the spotlight, Shatskaya is held in high regard by critics and colleagues. According to composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, "Next to our pop 'legends' she is a true queen: lonely and untouchable." Shatskaya released seven well-received albums and was designated a Meritorious Artist of Russia in 2004.

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Nina Shatskaya

First Name Nina
Last Name Shatskaya
Born on March 16, 1940
Died on May 23, 2021 (aged 81)
Born in Russia

Nina Sergeevna Shatskaya was a Soviet and Russian actress, Merited Artist of the Russian Federation (2008). She was known for playing in the films Welcome, or No Trespassing, A Man Before His Time and Visit to Minotaur.

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