List of Famous people with last name Lowenstein

Alfred Lowenstein

First Name Alfred
Born on March 11, 1877
Died on July 4, 1928 (aged 51)

Alfred Léonard Loewenstein was a Belgian financier. At his peak in the 1920s he was worth around £12 million in the currency of the time, making him the third richest person in the world at the time.

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Louis III, Count of Löwenstein

First Name Louis
Last Name Löwenstein
Born on February 17, 1530
Died on March 13, 1611 (aged 81)

Louis III, Count of Löwenstein was the ruling Count of Löwenstein-Wertheim from 1571 until his death.

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Louis I, Count of Löwenstein

First Name Louis
Last Name Löwenstein
Born on September 29, 1463
Died on March 28, 1523 (aged 59)

Louis I, Count of Löwenstein was the founder of the House of Lowenstein-Wertheim.

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Anna Löwenstein

First Name Anna
Last Name Löwenstein
Born in United Kingdom

Anna Lowenstein or Löwenstein is a British Esperantist. She worked for the World Esperanto Association 1977–1981. Under the name Anna Brennan she founded and was editor of the feminist magazine Sekso kaj Egaleco 1979–1988, and she edited the 'easy language' section of Kontakto 1983–1986. She has written some non-fiction, and two novels. Her historical novel The Stone City, was first published in English and Esperanto in 1999, and has since been translated into French (2010) and Hungarian (2014). Her second novel Morto de artisto (2008) was published in Esperanto. She is well known as a journalist, teacher and activist in the Esperanto movement, and has been a member of the Academy of Esperanto since 2001.

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William Lowenstein

First Name William
Last Name Lowenstein
Born on December 13, 1954 (age 69)
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Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein

First Name Felix
Last Name Löwenstein
Born on February 15, 1954 (age 70)
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Hans Louis Ferdinand von Löwenstein zu Löwenstein

First Name Hans
Last Name Löwenstein
Born on January 9, 1874
Died on February 14, 1959 (aged 85)

Hans Louis Ferdinand von Löwenstein zu Löwenstein was a German mining official, politician and Reichstag delegate.

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