List of Famous people with last name Denny

William Denny

First Name William
Last Name Denny
Born on December 6, 1872
Died on May 2, 1946 (aged 73)

William Joseph Denny, was a South Australian journalist, lawyer, politician and decorated soldier who held the South Australian House of Assembly seats of West Adelaide from 1900 to 1902 and then Adelaide from 1902 to 1905 and again from 1906 to 1933. After an unsuccessful candidacy as a United Labor Party (ULP) member in 1899, he was elected as an "independent liberal" in a by-election in 1900. He was re-elected in 1902, but defeated in 1905. The following year, he was elected as a ULP candidate, and retained his seat for that party until 1931. Along with the rest of the cabinet, he was ejected from the Australian Labor Party in 1931, and was a member of the Parliamentary Labor Party until his electoral defeat at the hands of a Lang Labor Party candidate in 1933.

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Sandy Denny

Alexandra Elene MacLean Denny
First Name Sandy
Last Name Denny
Born on January 6, 1947
Died on April 21, 1978 (aged 31)

Alexandra Elene MacLean Denny was an English singer-songwriter who was lead singer of the British folk rock band Fairport Convention. She has been described as "the pre-eminent British folk rock singer".

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Edward Denny

First Name Edward
Last Name Denny
Died on January 1, 1728
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Henry Denny

First Name Henry
Last Name Denny
Born on June 20, 1802
Died on September 25, 1877 (aged 75)
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Jane Denny

First Name Jane
Last Name Denny
Died on October 30, 1811
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Edward Coningsby Denny

First Name Edward
Last Name Denny
Born on January 1, 1839
Died on January 1, 1888 (aged 49)
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Arabella Jane Denny

First Name Arabella
Died on June 13, 1908
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Robert Day Denny

First Name Robert
Last Name Denny
Born on August 21, 1800
Died on July 12, 1864 (aged 63)
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Jane Denny

First Name Jane
Last Name Denny
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Jane Denny

First Name Jane
Last Name Denny
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Don't know him/her
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