List of Famous people with last name Cline

Patsy Cline

Virginia Patterson Hensley
First Name Patsy
Born on September 8, 1932
Died on March 5, 1963 (aged 30)

Patsy Cline was an American singer. She is considered one of the most influential vocalists of the 20th century and was one of the first country music artists to successfully cross over into pop music. Cline had several major hits during her eight-year recording career, including two number-one hits on the Billboard Hot Country and Western Sides chart.

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Madelyn Cline

First Name Madelyn
Born on December 21, 1997 (age 26)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Madelyn Renee Cline is an American actress. She is known for her starring role as Sarah Cameron on the Netflix teen drama series Outer Banks.

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Chris Cline

First Name Chris
Last Name Cline
Born on July 5, 1958
Died on July 4, 2019 (aged 60)

Chris Cline was an American billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist. He had been the majority owner of Foresight Reserves LP, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Regarded by Bloomberg as having been the "New King Coal", Cline was considered to have been responsible for reviving the Illinois coal industry. His company has more than three billion tons of coal reserves across Illinois and the Northern Appalachian Mountains.

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Ernest Cline

First Name Ernest
Last Name Cline
Born on March 29, 1972 (age 52)

Ernest Christy Cline is an American science fiction novelist, slam poet, and screenwriter. He wrote the novels Ready Player One, Armada, and Ready Player Two and co-wrote the screenplay for the film adaptation of Ready Player One, directed by Steven Spielberg.

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Ben Cline

First Name Ben
Last Name Cline
Born on February 29, 1972 (age 52)

Benjamin Lee Cline is an American politician that has served as the U.S. Representative for Virginia's 6th congressional district since 2019. A member of the Republican Party, he represented the 24th District in the Virginia House of Delegates for 16 sessions, from 2002 to 2018.

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Edward F. Cline

Edward Francis Cline
First Name Edward
Last Name Cline
Born on November 4, 1891
Died on May 22, 1961 (aged 69)

Edward Francis Cline ("Eddie") was an American screenwriter, actor, writer and director best known for his work with comedians W. C. Fields and Buster Keaton. He was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin and died in Hollywood, California.

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Wilfred M. Cline

First Name Wilfred
Born on September 3, 1903
Died on April 9, 1976 (aged 72)

Wilfrid Mantin Cline was an American cinematographer. He was nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Color Cinematography for the film Aloma of the South Seas, in which he shared with Karl Struss and William E. Snyder. He also was nominated for an Primetime Emmy Award in the category Outstanding Special and Visual Effects for his work on the television program My World and Welcome to It. Cline died in April 1976 in Balboa Island, California, at the age of 72. He was buried in Pacific View Memorial Park.

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