List of Famous people with last name Aust

Stefan Aust

First Name Stefan
Last Name Aust

Stefan Aust is a German journalist. He was the editor-in-chief of the weekly news magazine Der Spiegel from 1994 to February 2008 and has been the publisher of the conservative leading Die Welt newspaper since 2014 and the paper's editor until December 2016.

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Charlie Aust

First Name Charlie
Last Name Aust
Born on January 1, 1942
Died on January 1, 2017 (aged 75)

Lieutenant Colonel John Charles Wyatt Aust MLM, commonly known as Charlie Aust was a Rhodesian military commander. He was born in Enkeldoorn, Southern Rhodesia and was the last commanding officer of the Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI).

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Kurt Aust

First Name Kurt
Last Name Aust
Born on December 6, 1955 (age 68)

Kurt Aust is a pseudonym for Kurt Østergaard, an author and freelance writer.

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Norbert Aust

First Name Norbert
Last Name Aust
Born on November 30, 1942 (age 81)
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Friederike Aust

First Name Friederike
Born on January 10, 1943 (age 81)
Born in Germany, Saxony
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Peter Aust

First Name Peter
Last Name Aust
Born on March 17, 1939
Died on January 26, 1996 (aged 56)
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