List of Famous people with last name Amir

Mohammad Amir

First Name Mohammad
Last Name Amir
Born on April 13, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Mohammad Amir is a former Pakistani cricketer who played for Pakistan between 2009 and 2020. Amir retired from international cricket on 17 December 2020.

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Yigal Amir

First Name Yigal
Born on May 23, 1970 (age 54)

Yigal Amir is an Israeli right-wing extremist who assassinated Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin. At the time of the assassination he was a law student at the religious Bar-Ilan University. The assassination took place on November 4, 1995, at the conclusion of a rally in Tel Aviv, Israel. Amir is serving a life sentence for murder plus six years for injuring Rabin's bodyguard, Yoram Rubin, under aggravating circumstances. He was later sentenced to an additional eight years for conspiracy to murder.

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Aharon Amir

First Name Aharon
Born on January 5, 1923
Died on February 28, 2008 (aged 85)

Aharon Amir was an Israeli Hebrew poet, a literary translator and a writer.

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Nazar Amir

First Name Nazar
Last Name Amir
Born on December 31, 1949
Died on March 8, 2010 (aged 60)
Born in Indonesia
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Mirwan Amir

First Name Mirwan
Born on May 7, 1961 (age 63)
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Jacques Amir

First Name Jacques
Last Name Amir
Born on March 15, 1933
Died on March 30, 2011 (aged 78)

Ya'akov Jacques Amir was an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for the Alignment between 1974 and 1988.

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Umm Rummān Zaynab bint ‘Āmir

First Name Umm
Last Name ‘Āmir
Died on January 1, 0628

Umm Rumān Zaynab bint ‘Āmir' ibn Uwaymir ibn Abd Shams ibn Attab Al-Kinaniyah, known by her kunyah "Umm Rumān" was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She was a wife of Abu Bakr and the mother of Aisha, a wife of Muḥammad.

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Oumar Ibn khattab

First Name Oumar
Born in Saudi Arabia

Yāsir ibn ʿĀmir ibn Mālik al-ʿAnsīy was an early companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He is the second martyr in Islam, with the first being his wife, Sumayyah.

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Amira Amir

First Name Amira
Born on January 17, 1920
Died on April 5, 1968 (aged 48)
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Ramaz Amir

First Name Ramaz
Born on December 1, 1988 (age 35)
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