List of Famous people who died in 1986

Frank Herbert

Frank Patrick Herbert
First Name Frank
Last Name Herbert
Born on October 8, 1920
Died on February 11, 1986 (aged 65)

Franklin Patrick Herbert Jr. was an American science-fiction author best known for the 1965 novel Dune and its five sequels. Though he became famous for his novels, he also wrote short stories and worked as a newspaper journalist, photographer, book reviewer, ecological consultant, and lecturer.

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Cary Grant

Archibald Alexander Leach
First Name Cary
Last Name Grant
Born on January 18, 1904
Died on November 29, 1986 (aged 82)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Cary Grant was an English-American actor, who was one of classic Hollywood's definitive leading men. He was known for his transatlantic accent, debonair demeanor, light-hearted approach to acting, and sense of comic timing.

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Phil Lynott

First Name Phil
Born on August 20, 1949
Died on January 4, 1986 (aged 36)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Philip Parris Lynott was an Irish singer, musician, and songwriter. His most commercially successful group was Thin Lizzy, of which he was a founding member, the principal songwriter, lead vocalist and bassist. He was known for his imaginative lyrical contributions including working class tales and numerous characters drawn from personal influences and Celtic culture.

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Wallis Simpson

Bessie Wallis Warfield
First Name Wallis
Last Name Simpson
Born on June 19, 1896
Died on April 24, 1986 (aged 89)

Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, known as Wallis Simpson, was an American socialite and wife of the Duke of Windsor, the former British king Edward VIII. Their intention to marry and her status as a divorcée caused a constitutional crisis that led to Edward's abdication.

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Barry Seal

Adler Berriman Seal
First Name Barry
Last Name Seal
Born on July 16, 1939
Died on February 19, 1986 (aged 46)

Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was a commercial airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medellín Cartel. When Seal was convicted of smuggling charges, he became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration and testified in several major drug trials. He was murdered in 1986 by contract killers hired by the cartel.

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Desi Arnaz

Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III
First Name Desi
Last Name Arnaz
Born on March 2, 1917
Died on December 2, 1986 (aged 69)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III, better known as Desi Arnaz, was a Cuban-American actor, musician, bandleader, comedian and film and television producer, revolutionary in the creation of modern television. He is best known for his role as the witty Ricky Ricardo on the American television sitcom I Love Lucy, in which he co-starred with his then wife Lucille Ball. Arnaz and Ball are generally credited as the innovators of the syndicated rerun, which they pioneered with the I Love Lucy series.

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Olof Palme

Sven Olof Joachim Palme
First Name Olof
Born on January 30, 1927
Died on February 28, 1986 (aged 59)

Sven Olof Joachim Palme was a Swedish politician and statesman who served as Prime Minister of Sweden from 1969 to 1976 and 1982 to 1986. Palme led the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969 until his assassination in 1986.

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Neerja Bhanot

First Name Neerja
Born on September 7, 1963
Died on September 5, 1986 (aged 22)
Born in India

Neerja Bhanot, Ashoka Chakra was an Indian head purser who died while saving passengers on Pan Am Flight 73 which had been hijacked by terrorists during a stopover in Karachi, Pakistan, on 5 September 1986, just two days before her 23rd birthday. Posthumously, she became the youngest recipient of India's highest peacetime gallantry, the Ashok Chakra Award, as well as several other accolades from the governments of Pakistan and the United States. She was shot while helping passengers escape through the emergency exits. Her life and heroism inspired the biopic Neerja, which was released in 2016 and was directed by Ram Madhvani starring Sonam Kapoor.

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Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo
First Name Jorge
Last Name Borges
Born on August 24, 1899
Died on June 14, 1986 (aged 86)

Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo was an Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator, and a key figure in Spanish-language and universal literature. His best-known books, Ficciones (Fictions) and El Aleph, published in the 1940s, are compilations of short stories interconnected by common themes, including dreams, labyrinths, philosophers, libraries, mirrors, fictional writers, and mythology. Borges' works have contributed to philosophical literature and the fantasy genre, and have been considered by some critics to mark the beginning of the magic realist movement in 20th century Latin American literature. His late poems converse with such cultural figures as Spinoza, Camões, and Virgil.

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Jim Laker

First Name Jim
Last Name Laker
Born on February 9, 1922
Died on April 23, 1986 (aged 64)

James Charles Laker was an English cricketer who played for Surrey County Cricket Club from 1946 to 1959 and represented the England cricket team in 46 Test matches. He was born in Shipley, West Riding of Yorkshire, and died in Wimbledon, London.

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