List of Famous people who died in 1969

Judy Garland

Frances Ethel Gumm
First Name Judy
Born on June 10, 1922
Died on June 22, 1969 (aged 47)
Height 152 cm | 5'0

Judy Garland was an American actress, singer, vaudevillian and dancer. With a career spanning 45 years, she attained international stardom as an actress in both musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist, and on the concert stage. Renowned for her versatility, she received an Academy Juvenile Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Special Tony Award. Garland was the first woman to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year, which she won for her 1961 live recording titled Judy at Carnegie Hall.

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Sharon Tate

Sharon Marie Tate
First Name Sharon
Last Name Tate
Born on January 24, 1943
Died on August 9, 1969 (aged 26)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Sharon Marie Tate Polanski was an American actress and model. During the 1960s, she played small television roles before appearing in films and was regularly featured in fashion magazines as a model and cover girl. After receiving positive reviews for her comedic and dramatic acting performances, Tate was hailed as one of Hollywood's most promising newcomers.

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Dwight D. Eisenhower

David Dwight Eisenhower
First Name Dwight
Last Name Eisenhower
Born on October 14, 1890
Died on March 28, 1969 (aged 78)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower GCS CCLH KC was an American politician and soldier who served as the 34th president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. During World War II, he became a five-star general in the Army and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe. He was responsible for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch in 1942–43 and the successful invasion of Normandy in 1944–45 from the Western Front.

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Princess Alice of Battenberg

Princess Victoria Alice Elizabeth Julia Marie of Battenberg
First Name Princess
Last Name Battenberg
Born on February 25, 1885
Died on December 5, 1969 (aged 84)

Princess Alice of Battenberg was the mother of Prince Philip and mother-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Fred Hampton

First Name Fred
Born on August 30, 1948
Died on December 4, 1969 (aged 21)

Fredrick Allen Hampton was an American activist and revolutionary socialist. He came to prominence in Chicago as chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. In this capacity, he founded the Rainbow Coalition, a prominent multicultural political organization that initially included the Black Panthers, Young Patriots, and the Young Lords, and an alliance among major Chicago street gangs to help them end infighting and work for social change.

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Rocky Marciano

First Name Rocky
Last Name Marciano
Born on September 1, 1923
Died on August 31, 1969 (aged 45)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Rocco Francis Marchegiano, better known as Rocky Marciano, was an American professional boxer who competed from 1947 to 1955, and held the world heavyweight title from 1952 to 1956. He is the only heavyweight champion to have finished his career undefeated. His six title defenses were against Jersey Joe Walcott, Roland La Starza, Ezzard Charles (twice), Don Cockell and Archie Moore.

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Born on February 14, 1933
Died on February 23, 1969 (aged 36)
Born in India, Delhi

Madhubala was an Indian actress, film producer and playback singer who worked in Hindi films. One of the most popular and highest-paid actresses of her time, she appeared in 73 Bollywood films in a career spanning over two decades. In the media, she is referred to as one of the most beautiful, greatest and influential personalities of Indian cinema.

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Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.

Joseph Patrick Kennedy
First Name Joseph
Last Name Sr.
Born on September 6, 1888
Died on November 18, 1969 (aged 81)

Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr. was a prominent American businessman, investor and politician. He is known for his own political prominence as well as that of his children. He was the patriarch of the Irish American Kennedy Political Family.

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Jay Sebring

First Name Jay
Last Name Sebring
Born on October 10, 1933
Died on August 9, 1969 (aged 35)

Thomas John Kummer, known professionally as Jay Sebring, was an American celebrity hair stylist, and the founder of the hairstyling corporation Sebring International. Sebring was murdered by members of the Manson Family along with his ex-girlfriend Sharon Tate.

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Mary Jo Kopechne

First Name Mary
Last Name Kopechne
Born on July 26, 1940
Died on July 18, 1969 (aged 28)

Mary Jo Kopechne was an American secretary, one of the campaign workers for Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign, a close team known as the Boiler Room Girls. In 1969, she died in a car accident on Chappaquiddick Island, while being driven by U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy.

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