List of Famous people who died at 16

Mya-Lecia Naylor

First Name Mya-Lecia
Born on November 6, 2002
Died on April 7, 2019 (aged 16)

Mya-Lecia Naylor was an English actress and model, known for her roles as Fran in the CBBC sitcom Millie Inbetween and Mya in the CBBC series Almost Never.

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Siya Kakkar

First Name Siya
Born on January 1, 2004
Died on June 25, 2020 (aged 16)
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Murder of Pai Hsiao-yen

First Name Murder
Born on June 23, 1980
Died on April 20, 1997 (aged 16)

Pai Hsiao-yen was the only daughter of popular Taiwanese TV host and actress Pai Bing-bing and Japanese author Ikki Kajiwara.

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Arfa Karim

First Name Arfa
Last Name Karim
Born on February 2, 1995
Died on January 14, 2012 (aged 16)

Arfa Abdul Karim Randhawa was a Pakistani student and computer prodigy who became the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in 2004. She was submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records for her achievement. Randhawa kept the title until 2008 and went on to represent Pakistan on various international forums, including the TechEd Developers Conference. She received Pakistan's highest literary award, the Presidential Pride of Performance, from General Pervez Musharraf in 2005. A science park in Lahore, the Arfa Software Technology Park, was named in her honour. At the age of 10, Randhawa was invited by Bill Gates to visit Microsoft's headquarters in the United States. She died on 14 January 2012, aged 16, from a cardiac arrest.

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Julie Vega

First Name Julie
Born on May 21, 1968
Died on May 6, 1985 (aged 16)

Julie Pearl Apostol Postigo, better known by her stage name Julie Vega, was a Filipina child actress, singer and commercial model. She remains very popular in her native Philippines, years after her death at the peak of her career at age of 16. She won two FAMAS Awards for Best Child Actress during her brief showbiz career.

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Becky Watts

First Name Becky
Born on June 3, 1998
Died on February 19, 2015 (aged 16)

Rebecca Marie "Becky" Watts was a British student from Bristol who was murdered in 2015 at the age of 16. In November 2015, her step-brother, Nathan Matthews, was found guilty of her murder and was sentenced to life in prison with eligibility for parole after 33 years and his girlfriend, Shauna Hoare, was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 17 years in prison, but Matthews maintained that Hoare was not involved at all Both Matthews and Hoare were also convicted of conspiracy to kidnap, preventing the lawful burial of a body, perverting the course of justice and possession of two stun guns.

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Yoshihiro Hattori

First Name Yoshihiro
Last Name Hattori
Born on November 22, 1975
Died on October 17, 1992 (aged 16)

Yoshihiro Hattori was a Japanese student on an exchange program to the United States who was shot to death in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He was on his way to a Halloween party and went to the wrong house by mistake. Property owner Rodney Peairs fatally shot Hattori, thinking that he was trespassing with criminal intent. The shooting and Peairs' acquittal in the state court of Louisiana received worldwide attention.

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Roy L. Dennis

Roy Lee Dennis
First Name Roy
Last Name Dennis
Born on December 4, 1961
Died on October 4, 1978 (aged 16)

Roy Lee "Rocky" Dennis was an American boy who had craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, an extremely rare sclerotic bone disorder. The condition usually results in neurological disorders and death during childhood or teenage years. His life was the basis for the 1985 drama film Mask.

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Luce Douady

Luce Yvonne Douady
First Name Luce
Last Name Douady
Born on November 17, 2003
Died on June 14, 2020 (aged 16)

Luce Douady was a French climber. She made her debut professional appearance on the IFSC Climbing World Cup circuit, where she finished in fifth place, and became youth world champion in 2019. She also won the bronze medal at senior level at the 2019 IFSC Climbing European Championships in Edinburgh.

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Ma’Khia Bryant

First Name Ma’Khia
Born on September 29, 2004
Died on April 20, 2021 (aged 16)

On April 20, 2021, Ma'Khia Bryant, a black 16-year-old girl, was fatally shot by Columbus police officer Nicholas Reardon in Columbus, Ohio. Body camera footage released after the shooting showed Bryant charging another teen with a knife as she was shot. The officers applied medical treatment and Bryant was transported to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead half an hour later. The incident is under investigation.

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