List of Famous people who died at 13

Omaira Sánchez Garzón

First Name Omaira
Born on August 28, 1972
Died on November 16, 1985 (aged 13)

Omayra Sánchez Garzón was a 13-year-old Colombian girl killed in Armero, Tolima, by the 1985 eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano. Volcanic debris mixed with ice to form massive lahars, which rushed into the river valleys below the mountain, killing more than 25,000 people and destroying Armero and 13 other villages.

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Gaurav Tiwari

First Name Gaurav
Last Name Tiwari
Born on September 2, 1984
Died on July 7, 2016 (aged 31)
Born in India

Gaurav Tiwari was a paranormal investigator, UFO field investigator and ParaNexus representative in India who appeared on television shows such as MTV Girl's Night Out with Rannvijay Singh, Haunted Weekends with Sunny Leone, Aaj Tak, Live India, News 24, Star TV, Zee TV, Fear Files: Darr Ki Sacchi Tasvirein, Syfy's 'Haunting: Australia', and Sony TV's Bhoot Aaya. Tiwari was also a guest on paranormal radio shows and CEO and Founder of the Indian Paranormal Society.

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Iqbal Masih

First Name Iqbal
Last Name Masih
Born on November 30, 1982
Died on April 16, 1995 (aged 12)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani Christian boy who became a symbol of abusive child labour in Pakistan.

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Samantha Smith

Samantha Reed Smith
First Name Samantha
Born on June 29, 1972
Died on August 25, 1985 (aged 13)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Samantha Reed Smith was an American schoolgirl, peace activist, and child actress from Manchester, Maine, who became famous during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1982, Smith wrote a letter to the newly appointed CPSU General Secretary Yuri Andropov, and received a personal reply with a personal invitation to visit the Soviet Union, which she accepted.

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Iman Darweesh Al Hams

First Name Iman
Last Name Hams
Born on January 1, 1991
Died on October 5, 2004 (aged 13)

Iman Darweesh Al Hams was a 13-year-old Palestinian girl killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fire on 5 October 2004, in Rafah, Gaza Strip.

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Laurel Griggs

Laurel Clair Griggs
First Name Laurel
Last Name Griggs
Born on June 28, 2006
Died on November 5, 2019 (aged 13)

Laurel Clair Griggs was an American child actress, primarily acting in Broadway theatre, and also appearing in films and on television, including two appearances in Saturday Night Live sketches and a small part in the Woody Allen film Café Society.

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Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh

First Name Mohammad
Last Name Fahmideh
Born on May 6, 1967
Died on November 10, 1980 (aged 13)
Born in Iran, Qom Province

Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh was an Iranian war hero and an icon of the Iran–Iraq war.

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Daniel Morcombe

First Name Daniel
Last Name Morcombe
Born on December 19, 1989
Died on December 7, 2003 (aged 13)

Daniel James Morcombe was an Australian boy who was abducted from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland on 7 December 2003 when he was 13 years old. Eight years later, Brett Peter Cowan, a former Sunshine Coast resident, was charged with Morcombe's murder. In the same month, DNA tests confirmed bones in the Glass House Mountains were Morcombe's. On 13 March 2014, Cowan was found guilty of the murder, and was sentenced to life imprisonment for indecently dealing with a child and interference with a corpse.

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Charlotte Figi

First Name Charlotte
Last Name Figi
Born on October 8, 2006
Died on April 7, 2020 (aged 13)

Charlotte Figi was an American girl with Dravet syndrome who took cannabidiol (CBD) oil to prevent seizures and inspired the name of the medical cannabis strain called Charlotte's Web.

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Jesse Dirkhising

First Name Jesse
Last Name Dirkhising
Born on May 24, 1986
Died on September 26, 1999 (aged 13)

Jesse William Dirkhising, also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas. He was staying with two men who bound, drugged, tortured, and repeatedly raped him. He died from drugging and positional asphyxia during the ordeal.

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